Chapter 3 *Dean's POV*

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Sam stumbles into the living room, in mid panic. "Dude." His eyes are wide, his hair a mess, and sweat is dripping down his chest. "Yes?" I set the plate down and walk over to him. "I'm going crazy."

"About what?"

He's still breathing heavy as he tosses his jacket onto the couch. "Nice. Dirty the place up." I said, in a sarcastic tone. "I talked to another angel, Dean." My jaw drops as he bounces onto one of the bar stools. "No way."

"Stop being so sarcastic, Dean." He pleaded. "And yes, I talked to an actual...Angel." I tossed him a water from the counter, and grabbed one myself. "You are kind of a faith freak." "Dean..."

"Come on man, it's been forever since Castiel left us, and everything else. Stuff like this just doesn't happen anymore."

Sam's POV

I felt anger build up in me. My fists became clenched, and I was ready to have one come in contact with Dean's face. Stop, Sam. Cas is watching. "His name- he-" I paused as Dean's phone rang. He pauses, and hands me the phone. "For you." A raspy tone called out.

"What do you think you're doing Sam?"

"I didn't say anything."

"You told him you saw an angel." I didn't know if Castiel was mad, considering the voice he's using, is the only one he's used. A monotone voice of anger. "Look, I'm sorry. I won't say anything," I mumble. "Good. Now go watch after your brother." Silence. "Here." I hand him his phone and throw my body onto the couch. "What was that about?"

"Nothing, Dean."

Dean's POV

Sams asleep. Like usual. I think the only time he doesn't sleep, is when he's by himself in his room. Whenever he's out of it, he's always on the couch, or somehow found his way into my room. I quietly make my way down to the hall, and into my room. What was I doing before this? Oh yeah, organizing things.

I pull down a brown cardboard box filled with photo books and letters from mom and dad. There was Sam's diary that he didn't want to keep, for reasons. I sit down on my floor and turn to the last page, of which was inked within the past month.

"Dear, journal. Or whatever this is.

Hey, it's Sam again. Sam Winchester. I have questions. Why is dad gone? Why is mom gone? Why am I slowly losing Dean?

I want to know why whenever I'm upset, I feel this gush of wind. It creeps me out. More than anyone will ever know. I hear whispers. Mostly at Dean's. I sleep to get rid of them, but I end up having nightmares once I do fall asleep. I dreamt of this angel, in this tan trench coat. I honestly don't know why I'm having these dreams again...or the feeling like someones is watching over me. Considering Cas left over a year ago...but-"


"He had this brown hair, and a blue dress shirt underneath a black jacket. There was this black tie wrapped around his neck, and his voice was raspy. It was always the same. I felt comfort when he was around. Like Castiel...but Castiel had a white shirt, not blue. Right?" I read out loud to myself, while holding the journal in my lap.

"He said I hurt him, whenever I hurt myself. So I've been trying. I've been trying not to. For Dean, for the angel. For mom and dad. I don't think Dean sees that though."

I do now Sammy, I do now.

"It's harder than he(Dean) thinks, isn't it? Or am I making it harder than it really is? Anyway, back to the angel. He appeared out of nowhere, and wouldn't leave. He followed me and kept talking in that monotone voice. I woke up, and couldn't breathe. I felt this gush of wind besides me and another whisper. I think he was Castiel's son?"

I flipped to the back of the page, to find a shorter entry from the day after.

"Dean- don't think I'm crazy. I think Castiel is still there- and he has a son." I read the last sentence out loud and the pages flew with the wind.

"He isn't wrong."

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