Chapter Four

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Ruby POV

"Tori, Justin kissed me!"


I swear this girl can't hear.

"I said Justin ki-"

"I heard you."

Ok maybe she can.

Tori sighed and sat up. She moved her books and patted the spot next to her. I sat down and leaned my head on her shoulder.



"How'd we get into this mess?"

"Not sure."

"Do you still like him?"

"Hell No!"

I giggled at Tori's reaction.
She smiled when she saw me laughing.

"Hey, um not to ruin the moment but, uh, hows it been going with your stepfather?"

She asked nervously.

I shrugged.

"Normal I guess. You know, him getting drunk, getting plays, and my room being unfortunately next to his."

"Well, wanna stay at my place? Mom would be happy to have you. Dad too."

I smiled at her suggestion. I'll ask her later.

I was about to say something else but a flashback went through my head.

I was eleven. My father and mother had gotten married nine months ago. I still didn't like him. I had a right not to. I heard yelling downstairs. Then a scream. My mom! I ran downstairs panicking. All I saw was blood, a glass beer bottle and my mothers dead body on th the ground. My father or stepfather was nowhere to be seen.
I dropped to my knees crying my eyes out. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

Tori Claudia and Mr. Summers were standing infront of me and shaking me.

"I can't go back there. Not with him."

Oooooh! Next chapter is Tori POV 😊😊😀😀😊😀😁😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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