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Joey's POV

I woke up to see that Kotah was still sleeping.

Her lips were slightly parted and some of her hair was in her face. I smiled to myself and moved her hair out of her face.

"Hey Kotah have you se-" Tayler started to ask Kotah something but froze when he saw me.

"Nothing happened." I told him while Kotah snuggled into me more before opening her eyes.

"Morning Joey." She said.

"Morning Kotah." I said and kissed her forehead.

She sat up and stretched. Making it possible for Tayler to see that she was in my shirt.

"You're only 14!" He yelled.

"Ew no! He's my best friend!" Kotah yelled back.

"Yea...best friend." I said back.

"Why are you wearing one of Joey's shirts?" Tayler asked while leaning against the door frame.

Kotah looked from Tayler to me before giving me a half smile.

"Can I talk to you alone Tay?" She asked him.

I stood and and walked over to Tayler.

"I need to talk to you after Kotah does." I told him before leaving Kotah's room and walking down to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Dakotah's POV

Tayler closed my door and walked over, sitting next to me on my bed.

"What's up, Kotah?" He asked while turning to sit cross legged so he was facing me.

"Before I tell you what I wanted to say, I asked to sleep in one of Joey's shirts. We didn't do anything." I told him.

"I know. I overreacted and I'm sorry." He told me while giving me a half smile.

"Ok. Well um, back to what I wanted to tell you." I said, taking a deep breath. "So, I've been thinking about this for the past few weeks...and yesterday confirmed my question. I've been asking myself whether or not I like Joey. Yesterday when Joey gave me his hoodie at the hospital, I got this warm feeling in my stomach. When I woke up and I was wrapped in his arms, I got butterflies and I couldn't help but smile. When we were playing Too Hot it took all I had not to just tangle my fingers in his hair. It felt like someone released a zoo in my stomach. Our lips felt perfect together. Tayler, I really like him. I just can't tell him because he doesn't feel the same way." I said as I felt a tear slip down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, hey." He said while pulling me into a hug.

"He's never gonna like me how I like him Tayler." I said while more tears started rolling down my cheeks.

He rubbed my bag and rocked us back and forth.

"You never know Dakotah." He said while hugging me.

"I guess you're right." I said as I pulled away from our hug and wiping my face off with my hands.

"Now get dressed, we're going to the mall later." He said as he kissed my forehead and stood up.

"Ok. Love you." I said as he stood up.

"Love you too, Kotah." He said as he closed my door.

I walked over to my closet and started looking for something to wear.

Joey's POV

Tayler came down stairs and hoped up onto the island, where I was sitting on my phone.

"What did you want to talk to me about lil bro?" He asked as he started swinging his feet back and forth.

"I think I'm in love." I told him.

"With me!?" He shouted, looking shocked.

"No! With Dakotah." I said looking down at my fingers.

"Why do you think that?" He asked my as he stopped swinging his feet.

"Because, whenever I'm around her I have a warm feeling inside of me. When she's cuddling into me I can't help but smile and I get butterflies. I can't help but smile when she smiles, or when she laughs. Yesterday when we were playing Too Hot, it took all I had not to touch her. And our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I just...I can't imagine my life without her in it." I told him while looking up at him.

"But she'll never feel the same way." I finished while looking back down at my fingers.

Tayler's POV

I just sat there. It's obvious that they both like each other. But I didn't know that they felt this way towards each other. Dakotah said that she liked Joey. But...it's more than that. The way that she talked about it proves that she's in love with him. She's just scared to admit it. And Joey...he's in love with her too. He might not have noticed but he was smiling the whole time he was talking about it. They need to date. And that's final.

"Ask her on a date." I told Joey, causing him to look up at me.

"What?" He asked, a look of pure shock on his face.

"Ask her on a date. Then when you get back, before you come inside, ask her to be your girlfriend." I told him again.

"What if she says no?" He asked while taking a shaky breath.

"I know she'll yes, Joey. Just ask her." I told him, causing him to smile at me.

"Alright." He said.

"Now go get ready. We're going the mall." I told him.

He got up and walked towards the kitchen doorway.

"Oh, and Joey?" I called to him before he could leave the kitchen.

"Yea?" He asked turning around to face me.

"Ask her before we leave." I told him.

"The house?" He asked.

"No, the mall." I told him.

"Ok." He nodded his head and smiled at me before leaving.

I hoped down off the island and smiled to myself. Hopefully they work out. I don't see why they won't. But if they don't...I don't know what I'm gonna do.

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