She Gets Caught Cheating With Camila.

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Word Count: 1,695

I woke up early to start coffee for Lauren and I. We always liked to get up early just in time to see the sunrise. Lauren was asleep next to me fully naked in all her beautiful glory I eased out of bed but not before kissing her lightly on the shoulder causing her to groan a little. I eased out of bed gathered some clean clothes and headed to the bathroom to have a quick shower. After my shower, I reentered the room Lauren was fast asleep snoring softly with her mouth slightly open. I smiled at her and made my way downstairs to the kitchen to start the coffee.I heard the shower turn on upstairs and knew that Lauren was awake. Opening the cabinet I grabbed two coffee cups and placed them onto the counter I went to the fridge and pulled out cream and sugar from a cabinet above my head I glanced out into the water and smiled at the sight of the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon opening the doors to the deck patio I stood against the railing looking out into the ocean

"It's so beautiful this morning" Lauren said pressing her front against my back

"Yeah it really is, but do you know what makes it even more beautiful?" I asked her with. A raised brow


"You being here with me" I said smiling at her

I turned to face her so now both our fronts were pressed against one another

"Baby that's so sweet" Lauren said as she pecked my lips.

"Hey coffee is ready do you want a cup?" I asked

"Oh yes coffee that sounds great right now babe" Lauren said as she took her seat on a patio chair. I entered the kitchen and began making our coffee placing the two cups on a tray along with the cream,sugar, and a few fresh baked pastries I headed back out to the deck

"And here we are madam, le fresh coffee, le fresh cream und sugar and le fresh pastries" I said in a French accent which made Lauren giggle.

"Oh! Did you get my fav-"

"How could I forget my love" I said handing her her favorite cream cheese danish.

"Mmm thank you baby" she said excitingly before placing a passionate kiss on my lips all this for a Danish? I was loving it.

"So do you and the girls have any rehearsals planned for today? I asked as I took a sip of my coffee

Lauren was just chewing her danish covering her mouth with her hand as she spoke

"Mhm we actually have rehearsals at 2 pm today we are working with Sean going over choreography for "All In My Head" and a few other songs before we start our 7/27 Tour"

"Ohh that video mmm mmm mmm" I said reminiscing on the day the girls shot the video at the beach and how Lauren and I snuck off after the video shoot to have some "fun"

"Babe ur such a horn dog" she said giggling and hitting my arm

"Ouch what, you were sexy as fuck in that in that video and the amazing sex we had afterwards I can't help it " I said smirking as I took a bite of my pastry.

(Time Forward)

"Baby big rob n the girls are here are you almost ready!" I yelled from downstairs I wasn't going to be able to accompany Lauren to the rehearsals this time because I had to pop into work for a few important meetings and to discuss a few blueprints with some clients of mine. Lauren wasn't to happy about it due to the fact that I always came along with her whenever she and the girls had rehearsals but I knew she would understand that I worked hard so that she and I could live the beautiful life that we lived now granted she was famous and rich and I was also rich, I still wanted that balance in our relationship and she agreed

Lauren Jauregui Imagine (ON HOLD FOR EDITING 4/22/22)Where stories live. Discover now