High Sex

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Word Count: 1,169

SYNOPSIS : Lauren introduces you to marijuana it's your first time ever smoking with her let's just say the night turns out better than expected...

The girls show in Texas was fucking AMAZING! I was so happy that I finally got to tour with them while they were in the states for their 7/27 tour. I'd missed my girlfriend Lauren so much while she and the girls were over seas and tonight I sat in their dressing room waiting for their concert to end. The sound of fans cheering and screaming signaled the end of the show

"THANK YOU TEXAS FOR COMING OUT WE LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH GOODNIGHT!" I heard Lauren's muffled voice say from the stage. The door to the dressing room burst open and in walked the girls looking beautiful as ever sweaty but still beautiful Normani and Camila immediately kicked off their shoes and took their seats on the sofa Ally walked in smiling as bright as ever and very excited to be in her home state, Dinah walked in sweating and fanning herself but she never dropped her smile she was obviously hyped up. And then in walked a beautiful site my girl, my baby, the love of my life Lauren. I stood up to greet her as she ran to me engulfing me in a hug and a kiss.

"Baby I missed you so much" she said as she placed baby kisses all over my face I giggled and held her close gently putting my hand under her chin and bringing her towards me for a more passionate kiss.

"Book a room" Dinah said as a shirt came flying at my face smacking me in the temple. The girls erupted in laughter as Lauren broke away from me

"Ugh I'm all sweaty n stinky are we going back to the bus I call first shower!" Lauren yelled

"Ughhhhh" the girls groaned in unison

"Ha ha to slow maybe next time you'll think on your toes girls bah naoo bah naooo" Lauren said while snapping her fingers I stood aside giggling as the girls gathered their things and with the assistance of big rob we all headed to the tour bus and on to the next city. Lauren and I walked hand n hand to the bus as screaming fans spotted us and began yelling their omgs, Lauren I love yous, y/n you are so fuckin hot. Lauren and I giggled and continued walking.

(Time Forward) 

I sat in the front lounge Scrolling through twitter while Lauren showered the girls were in their bunks laughing at something or other after about 15 minutes ,Lauren exited the shower after drying her hair she gently took my hand leading me to the back lounge.

"Okay girls me and my boo are taking the back lounge tonight!" Lauren yelled as we passed the bunks the girls all gave out a lazy "okayyy" as Lauren and I entered the back lounge she locked the door behind us and an intense make out session ensued before I was pushed onto the sofa. Lauren giggled and went to a drawer rummaging through it she pulled out a zip lock bag,lighter,and white owl white grape flavored cigars. I sat up a bit and observed her

"What's that babe?" I asked curiously

"Are you kidding me?" She replied giggling

I shook my head honestly

"It's weed baby" she chuckled I watched as she broke her cigar open and emptied the guts into a garbage pale she then took pieces of what looked like clumps of grass into the empty cigar shell. She then rolled and licked the cigar until it became solid before quickly flashing her lighter over it sealing the deal.

Lauren then put her items except for the lighter back into the drawer, closed it and sat beside me. I watched curious as she lit the rolled stick up and took in a few puffs before coughing a few times. I must say she looked hot smoking whatever it was she was smoking. She then turned to me And handed me the stick before taking another puff and coughing. I took the stick between my fingers and placed it between my lips taking a pull of smoke into my virgin lungs before coughing my lungs out.

Lauren chuckled as I coughed and attempted to catch my breath. When things returned to normal Lauren chuckled

"Virgin lungs huh, you took a big hit baby how do you feel" she asked smiling at me her eyes half closed yet she was still beautiful.

I giggled a little "I feel high as fuck" I replied Lauren laughed and straddled me I turned more on my back and positioned my body with hers

*Warning Explicit dialogue*

Lauren took another pull from her cigar and slowly blew the smoke from her mouth.

"Ever wonder what it would be like to fuck me when you're high?" She asked looking down at me

I found myself a bit taken aback by her Explicit words but at the same time when Lauren became sexually aroused, she became two things very dominant and very Explicit with her words. Both of these drove me fucking crazy.

"Oh is that an offer Jauregui? " I asked with a raised brow.

"Mhm, come here" she said I raised myself up onto my elbows

"Open your mouth baby" she whispered seductively. I did as I was told Lauren scooted close to me so that our lips were almost touching she then blew smoke into my mouth I took it in like a pro without coughing this time
After the smoke subsided our lips pressed into one another in a passionate yet sensual kiss. Lauren removed her shirt exposing her beautiful perfect breasts I ran my hands along her side up her back and to her breasts where I Couldn't resist a small squeeze. Lauren let out a soft moan as she threw her head back I raised me self up and slowly kissed the valley between her breasts before sinking my mouth on her soft nipple gently stroking it with My tongue before giving the other breast my complete undivided attention. Lauren wrapped her arms around my neck as I kissed up to her neck sucking slowly on her sweet spot making her go crazy..

That night we had sex about 5 times and smoked in between each session until we finally fell asleep around 4 am because we were both high as fuck.

Waking up the next morning I entered the front lounge where I was met with Lauren and the girls. Lauren looked at me smiled and winked I smiled back at her

"So Ya'll must of had a damn good time last night all that banging and hollering like animals" Dinah giggled as she poured cereal into a bowl.

Yeah, Lauren was both a moaner and a screamer which I loved but the night was deffinatey not wasted and it DEFFINATLEY turned out way better than I had expected.

Lauren Jauregui Imagine (ON HOLD FOR EDITING 4/22/22)Where stories live. Discover now