My Visitors

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"Ah it's good to be home. "I stretched my arms and motioned the two to sit. "Where are we?? This place looks rather...  Futuristic.. "

"It's my Mansion.. You see I did die my darling Ciel... The undertaker resurrected me back to life. It took him years to come. Do you want some tea.? "I ignored the shocked look on Ciel's face.

"That will be not necessary!  I will make it. " Sebastian stood up and went to find the kitchen. "Sebastian your not gonna find it here.  Come on follow me. That means you too Ciel. " I walked front the elevator. "Please Put your right eye to confirm Authority. "Elvie spoke.

I opened my eye patch and let it scan my eye. "Authorization complete Welcome home Miss.  Shieru.. "

" Yes good to see you too Elvie"

We stepped in the Elevator. "What is this little room for?"Ciel asked irritated . "It's an elevator Ciel you use it to go up...It's like stairs but easier. "I clicked 5 floor..The fifth floor was for parties and such.. But there were hundreds  of teas there so I wouldn't mind.

"Can I ask. What date is it today? "Sebastian asked. "It's 2025 May 13."The door opened.

"The kitchens over there..  If you want tea the storage room is there. If you wanna make something ask elvie where are the ingredients ."

"Who the hell is Elvie?  I mean it's just the three of us. "Sebastian spoke. "My personal intercom. Just say something and she'll answer it

.like this.. Elvie where are the ingredients? And allow this people in your help."

"It's at the right side near the kitchen.  Yes maam."

"I'm gonna go to my room to change we'll be leaving in 3 hours. Ask Elvie where I am or how to use the elevator or something... Wait... Pizza I missed you... I haven't ate one today... or at the manor. "

Sebastian Pov

"Oh and Sebastian...  Don't do anything stupid ."The young maiden spoke clearly as possible but...  stupid?  I never.." Tea... tea... " I opened the drawers. And saw stacks of Darjeeling and Earl grey and cherry tea."I might say....  she's quite a tea drinker...  almost obsessed with tea if I might say so"

"I heard that! and I drink coffee too you know!  " I heard her shout unladylike. .... But.. she looks very familiar much like my passed fiance..... That eye... But was under her eye patch... A Missing eye?..

I found dozens of tea sets... Where is the sugar? "This is so.... absurd.. Elvie where is the Sugar? "I spoke having hope that she won't answer.. "There should be a Case at you upper left. Open it and you will see the sugar at the top. "

I went to look at the sugar she directed.. "Oh... " I was clearly dumbfounded..  Well it is the first time that mechanical spirits gave me directions. "Sebastian! What's taking so long?! "

Young lord tapped his foot while waiting for the tea. "Never mind I'll take care of it my darling Ciel. "I heard Alisyia say so. "No need! I shall make tea for young lord.. "I refused for others to make tea for young master.

"If you're gonna to do it...  It will take a day for you to finish."She took the tea set in front of me. Never once in my life have I been rejected to make tea for women.  This must be interesting .

Alisyia Pov

I took the tea set from him. Seriously....  He's such a slow poke. " While you wait sit down with Ciel or explore the grounds or something. I'll call both of you when I'm done. "

Man...  if he was here longer...  I would have burned the house down.

"Master? " Sebastian asked Irritated Ciel. "Fine...  Just because Alisyia said so.. "Ciel blushed as he said my name.  Sebastian looked awfully pleased. . They went off to the garden. "Ring.  ...... Ring...... " My cellphone rang.

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