Chapter 29

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Harry and I were arguing about where to go next. Ron was resting in his bunk.

"We can't apparate." I informed him for the tenth time, "Ron is injured."

"Then where are we supposed to go?" Harry asked, raising his voice.

"I don't know, we can walk around. We can go on a hike or something." 

"We can go on a hike? Elizabeth you're the brilliant one, think of something!"

"Harry, I'm doing all I can. I've been reading all of my books and healing Ron as quickly as possible."

"Well you're not doing enough!"

"Take it off," I demanded, "Take the locket off. Now."

Harry grudgingly pulled the chain from his neck. I noticed his eyes soften and his posture relax.



"We need to take turns wearing it, I'll wear it for now."

Harry nodded.

"What's going on?" Ron asked, walking into the main area of the tent.

"We're going to take turns wearing the locket. I think if you wear it for a certain amount of time it can make you angry and irritable." I explained.


The three of us began to wander the country side. We walked for hours during the day, set up the tent, spent the night, and then repeated the process. The whole thing was useless, what were we going to find on abandoned roads and huge fields? But it was all we could do because of Ron's injury.

Whenever I wore the locket for too long, terrible thoughts filled my mind. I began to hate Harry for bringing us on this hopeless journey. I hated Ron for being splinched and sometimes I felt that he was a burden. Of course these thoughts faded as soon as I took the locket off, but I felt disgusted with myself for having them in the first place.

"Why don't we take a break?" Harry suggested one afternoon.

Ron was wearing the locket. It seemed to effect him the most. He had dark circles under his eyes and whenever he wore it he seemed sulky and depressed. 

We sat down on the side of the path and passed around the water. 

"I'll take the locket," Harry offered. Ron pulled it over his head and handed it to him.

Harry stood up and walked farther ahead, probably so that he could decide where we needed to go.

"I should change your bandages," I told Ron.


I gently removed Ron's arm from the sling and he unbuttoned his shirt. I cleaned the wound, which was looking better, and changed the wrappings. I readjusted the sling and then passed him the water.

"Are you doing alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Ron said, in a manner that made me think he was not fine.

"You just seem different."

"It's just the locket. It makes me think... bad things."

A dark look passed through Ron's eyes. Then he reached over and turned up his radio, as if nothing had happened. 

"Alright, well I'm going to go check on Harry. Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm good. Hey, Liz?"



I kissed Ron's cheek and then walked over to Harry.

In Love With A Redhead --- Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now