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"I'm queen of the world!" Our youngest daughter, Lavender, giggled. Ron had lifted her onto his shoulders, while I nervously rechecked the kid's luggage.

"Mum, we've got everything! Let's go! You're taking forever."

"Bill Remus Weasley, is that anyway to talk to your mother?" Ron teased.

"Brookes-Weasley," I reminded him.


I rolled my eyes and smiled, following them through the brick wall. It was Chelbey's first year at Hogwarts. I watched as her face lit up as she took in the sight of the giant red train.

"There they are!" Ron yelled, pointing to Ginny and Harry.

We made our way over to them and greeted everyone.

"Now, Chelbey, you have all of your books?"

"Yes, mum."

"Bill, look after her okay?"

"Yes, mum."

Chelbey bounded away towards the train.

"Chelbey Minerva! Come give your mother a hug!"

She moped over and hugged us, her cheeks bright red with embarrassment.

"Love you," I said.

"You too."

"Alright what're you waiting for? Get on the train!"

She giggled and skipped off.

Bill gave Ron, Lavender, and I a hug, then hurried off with his friends.

Ron put his arm around my shoulders and we stood with Harry and Ginny.

"What're they all staring at?" Lavender asked.

"Me, I'm very famous," Ron joked.

Harry laughed and took Ginny's hand.

The cheery train let out a great puff of steam and the loud whistle sounded. The wheels rolled along the track and we watched it speed around the corner, headed towards the great castle called Hogwarts.

All was well.


A/N: Well idk what to do with my life now

First of all: comment any questions you have and I'll answer them

Second of all... THANK YOU SO MUCH. My goal for this book was 500 reads, which has been WAY surpassed. I mean 6,000 reads? That's insane. If you just reached the end or if you've been here since the beginning or even hitched a ride along the way--- thanks for coming on this miraculous journey with me. I have enjoyed writing this so much. Harry Potter always has and always will have a special place in my heart. Harry has taught me so much about courage, love, and bravery. JK Rowling has taught me so much. Ron has his own place in my heart, and that could take hours to explain. Hermione Granger is my inspiration, and that's why Liz is so similar to her.

But yeah, I can't believe how far this book has come. Thank you for voting, and commenting, and reading, and yea

I can't believe it's over. I never thought the day would come. It's really sad. I'm gonna have to go click the completed button. aaahhhhhh

A few acknowledgments:

Londonwisher : gosh, where do I begin. Thanks so much for supporting me through this book. You have commented and supported every chapter. You've been there since the beginning and I can't even explain how much that means to me. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. So thanks, I love you.

Payton_panda : Thank you so much for the beautiful cover and for voting on every chapter. It's crazy to me that someone liked my story enough to create something in their spare time. It means the world.

mrs_pacman : Thanks so much for the fabulous trailer. I still watch it all the time, it is truly amazing.

nmoore_5021 : Thanks for reading this even though you didn't have to. And for just being there and understanding and not thinking I'm really weird. I appreciate it. Love you.


My mom, for reading every single one of my chapters and dealing with my constant fangirling. Thanks for being so supportive, I love you.

My stepmom, for introducing me to the magical world of Harry Potter. I don't know what I would do without the books or movies. And for fangirling with me. I love you!

My dad, for giving me the great music I listen to while writing. And for dealing with my incessant fangirling, I know it's hard. :P I love you!

And my sister!! For understanding my crazy obsession with Ron and dealing with it. Love youuuuu

Alright, before I start crying I've gotta end this. Thanks so much for everything. I love you!!!


Thanks for reading! ( :

In Love With A Redhead --- Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now