Part 4: Sister talk

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Next day Mason visited me at work.

''Ugh. Are you going to come here every day ?" I asked while he enterd the cafe.

"Well, we kinda had a deal.'' he answered.

''The deal was to set you two up, not to annoy me everday.''

''Yes, but I wanna do it right. I want her to like me. I wanna Know what she's into, I wanna sweep he off her feet.''

''Oh boy, what have I got myself into?'' I tought to myself.

''Fine, I'll only help you with your First date. That is, if she says yes.'' I smirked.

''Deal.'' he smiled.

He spent the whole day with me at work. I talked to him about my sister. About what she likes, what she doesn't like and he was being really annoying. He just kept asking me questions about her, but a deal is a deal.

 While I was heading back from work  I tought about some of the Ellenas relathionships and got quite curious.

 ''Why did they end so quikly.'' I tought to myself. I decided it was time for some sister talk.

''Elena?'' I shouted while entering the house.

''In my room.'' she shouted back.

I entered the room and set on her bed where she was already laying on her back.

''How was work?'' she asked.


''So same old?''

''Yes.'' I laughed.

''Can I ask you something?'' I asked.


''How come you never had normal realtshionship before? I mean the one that lasts more than 3 months.''

''Where is this coming from?'' She asked me confused. We never really talked about her relatshionships before. I just found it meaningless. I always knew her realtshionships wouldn't last long so i just didn't want to waste my time talking about something that will end in the blink of the eye.

''Well, I just don't get it. Why would you be in the relatshionship with someone and just end it so quikly.''

She was quite for a little bit before she answered.

''You see...all this guys that I dated only dated me because of my social status or my looks. Everytime I entered the relatshionship I always thought to myself, 'this time is going to be different, I can feel it'. I always hopped that the guy I dated liked me for me. But it was always a matter of time before I realised that I was wrong again, so I always end it. I don't wanna be in a relathionship with someone who doesen't like me for me, but I guess that will never happen.'' I was speechless. I never knew she felt that way. I always tought she was in short relatshionships because she got bored of the guy she was with. I was so wrong.

''At least they were cute and good kissers.'' she added.

Okay, maybe I was not completely wrong about her, but I am glad that now I know the truth. I layed right next to her.

''I'm sorry.'' I said.

''For what?''

''For not knowing.''

''Well, now you know.'' she smiled to me and grabbed my hand. We then fell asleep on her bed.

The following week I spent everyday with Mason, teaching him how to win over my sister. It turnes out the he isn't so annoying and bad after all. Next Monday he came to my work as usual.

''So, when will I finally meet your sister?'' he asked me.

''Right now.'' I said while waving to my sister who was heading towards me. She decided to visit me at work today so I tought it's a perfect time for them to meet.

''What?!'' he almost shouted.

I laughed at his reaction and greeted my sister.

''Hi sis.'' she said.

''Hi. Have you met Mason. He's new here, I just met him.'' I said while pointing at Mason who was just sitting in his chair speechless and confused.

''Hi, I'm Ellena.'' she turned to him and introduced herself.

''Mason.'' he replied.

''Ellena, why don't you show Mason around. I would do it but I have to work.''

''I would love to.'' she smiled.

''Great. You should go now, there's a lot to see.'' I said while pushing them off their seats.

''Okey then, see ya.'' he said while exiting the cafe. I just winked at him.

''He's hot.'' Ellena whispered in my ear leaving me laughing behind the bar while they were finally leaving.

''Ask her out.'' I texted to Mason before heading back to work.

I haven't heared of them the whole day. I just got a text from Mason later that afternoon.

''She said yes.''

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