Part 5: Lets go for a walk

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The following days we spent planning the perfect date. We planned everything, the perfect place, outfit, flowers, everything was going smoothly. We stayed up extra late on wednesday to kind of finish planning the rest of the date which was on saturday.

''I'm beaten.'' he said while threwing himself on the sand where we were sitting.

''We're done anyway so..I'll see ya tomorrow?'' I asked while getting of the sand.

''Wait..wanna take a walk?'' he said while grabbing my hand.

''Sure, why not?''

He stood up and we started strolling down the beach. I stopped to take off my sneakers so my bear feet could feel the warmth of the sand. While I walked down the beach I could've seen my footprints in the sand melting aways into the sea.

''We've been hanging out for weeks and I don't know anything about you. Tell me something about yourself.'' he said. I was caught off guard.

''Um.. what would you like to know?'' I got kinda awkward. I didn't really like to talk about my private life to anyone.

''How long have you been working in the cafe?''

''Since freshman year of high school.''

''Wait, and you work whole summer?'' he asked shocked.

''Well, whole year not just summer.'' his jaw dropped. He looked at me like I killed a man.

''But, high school is the time when you can finally go out, have fun, have those crazy, adventurous, unforgettable summer nights. Tell me you had those nights.''

''I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't. I was always focused on my job. My friend always asked me to go out with them but, I never did. Whenever I'm working I say to my parents that I am hanging out with my friends so they wouldn't suspect a thing; so I just didn't want to risk them finding out.''

''You can still go out and have fun. Trust me I'm sure your parents wouldn't suspect a thing.''

He was probably right but I was always holding myself back, I don't know why. I just shrug my shoulders.

''Well...why do you hide your work from your parents.''

I was afraid he would ask about that.

'' is a long story.'' I looked at my feet.

''We have time.'' he said pushing me to open up to him. I took a deep breath before explaining him the whole complicated situation in my family. I told him how my perents don't want me to be a singer and how I have to work to pay for collage and singing lessons. I could see on his face that he was utterly shocked. He suddenly started staring at his feet. I saw that he regretted asking that question by the look on his face. There it was, the awkward silence that I knew would happen as soon as he asked me that question.

''What about you? What are your plans after the high school?'' I decided to break the awkward silence.

''I don't know. I guess, I never really taught about it.''

''Oh c'mon...there has to be something that you love to do.'' I said while giving him reassuring smile.

''Well..'', he stopped for a second to think, ''I like to play the guitar, I like to...cook and..nah.'' he stopped and accelerated his walk.

''What..tell me.'' I ran after him and pulled his hand to stop him.

'''ll laugh at me.'' He said while stopping.

''I won't, I promise.''

He smiled at the floor before responding.

''I know how to make balloon animals.''
I tried to hold my laugh, but I couldn't hold it in. It was just too funny. I started to laugh my ass off.

'' said you wouldn't laugh.'' he tried to say that in the serious tone but he started laughing with me.

''I'm sorry..but I never pictured you as the balloon animal guy.'' I still laughed, I just couldn't stop.

''Well..I'm one of the kind.''

''Well there's your future career. Mason Wilder, the best balloon artist in the Miami.'' I teased him.

He laughed and pushed me. He didn't push me hard, but as I was already clumsy as fuck with his push I ended up in the sea. He started laughing his ass off now while I was sitting soaking wet in the sea.

''I'm soo sorry.'' He said through his laughter.

''Well if i'm going're going down with me.'' I said while pulling his hand which led to him falling into the sea with me. We were both sitting there soaking wet laughing so hard until our faces started to hurt. So we just continued to stroll down the beach soaking wet until we both went our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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