-chapter twelve- I did what!?

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Frank had nodded off as the other two drove away to find Mikey's older, yet idiotic brother.

"Where would he go?" Ray questioned as he turned the kkeys into ignition.

"I don't know...Um, the corner shop at our house...Maybe? I don't know, he's really unpredictable at times like these..." Ray could tell his boyfriend was still feeling guilty, so didn't question that exact matter.

"Mikey  it's alright, you can worry about it late but we have to find him now. So open those sexy lips o' yours an' tell me where that corner shop is!" At this, Mikey smiled and began to give directions to his street, keeping an eye out for Gerard's car along the way.

Mikey  hadn't seen the car along the way, nd when they got to the corner shop it wasn't there either.

"Shit! Mikey, where else do you think he might of gone?" Now, understand that when a worried mind tries to think clearly, it will sometimes ignore the most obvious option. So according to Michael's mind, Gerard being at their house was impossible.

"U-uhh...M-maybe he went to see B-Bob..." He was on the verge of tears, but tried to hold it back.

"Where' that? Mikey you gotta help me out here...Sorry but I don't know Gerard, and I don't know where his hangouts are." Ray rubbed Mikey's back as he took a deep breath and began to direct Ray as he started the car up again.


*Time skip to that night*

Gerard's POV

I wake up with a start in my bed, I dreamt...No, rather I had a nightmare of me and Mikey having a fight. I got drunk and crashed on the way home, and later saw Frank crying in his hospital bed. It was like I was hovering over him, like a ghost. I'm glad it was just a dream- nightmare.

After thoughts have settled in my head from the nightmare I look beside me, and see another body under my sheets. I almost fall out of my bed, and find out that I'm not wearing anything, along with the woman, or so I think it is. I usually sleep in my boxers.

And alone...

My mind strains itself trying to figure out what I'd done last time I was awake but I couldn't figure it out. I had just saved Frank...He was in hospital last time I saw him. I went away for a bit and when I got back...

Oh. I remember.

I had a fight with Mikey...I can't remember what of, though. After that...after that what did I do?

"Gerard? Mmm, honey I love you..." The figure next to me was talking to me? wait...Is that Izzy?!

"Izzy? What are you doing here? I broke up with you!" I was enraged aat the fact she was in my bed. Naked as well. Who the hell does she think she is?

"I'm here because you were to drunk to realise you asked me for drugs! I'm here because we slept together! Don't yell at me for your stupidity!" She threw the blanket off of herself and got dressed in clothes she seemed to find beside my bed. She pulled on her jeans but couldn't seem to find her shirt from...before we apparently did it.

"Where the fuck is my shirt?!" She mumbled under her breath.

"Just take one of mine and get out!" I yelled, quickly pulling my boxers and a pair of daggy jeans I find.

"Fine! Asshole..." The muttered the insult, but I still hear it.

"You're the bitch here! You gave me drugs! What the fuck, Izzy? You knew I didn't do them!" She pulled on one of my many Green Day shirts and turned to face me, she was scowling, but almost in tears.

"Gerard you were the one who fucking asked for them! Not only that but you kissed me, out of your own fucking will! So back off!" I was stunned. Had I kissed her? I thought I was going out with Frank! What the fuck set me off so bad that I got so drunk I asked Izzy for drugs and SLEPT with her?

She stormed downstairs without waiting for a response from me, I was speechless anyway. I hear the door open, but it's too soon for her already to be downstairs.

"Izzy? What are you doing here?" Is that...

"Your brother slept with me, Michael. He slept with me after getting so drunk he asked for drugs, and took them." Oh shit...

"He did WHAT?" I think that's...Ray, was it?

"He...he got d-drunk...and t-t, h-h-he took d-drugs?" I could tell Mikey was crying...What have I done? How could I do this to my younger brother?

"Where the fuck is this bastard?!""

"He's upstairs, in what seems to be his room." Izzy sounded...happy, almost. "Send him my regards by, you know, ripping him to shreds or something." And with that I hear the door slam shut and someone stomping up the stairs, opening doors and slamming them when they saw it wasn't my room.

They finally found me sulking, looking down at my lap while half naked, just siting on my bed.

"Gerard what the fuck?!"

I just sit there, and kind of zone out.

"How could you do that to Mikey? And Frank! Why did you do it?"

I don't know myself. You tell me, please.

"Frank's already depressed! Even though you said most of the cuts weren't from him, most isn't all! He could easily try something terrible!"

I know. I might as well.

"Gerard answer me!"

I should. Why can't I?

"Why don't you say anything?"

Tell me why. I don't know myself.

"What's wrong? Gerard?"

Help...I want to say something...


Suddenly I slip away into darkness.






Anyway sorry sorry sorry for the slow updates pplz! SORRY! Please bear with me I will get around to them eventually! In the mean time, please enjoy my new fanfic that I do not know the name of yet!

All your comments and encouragement really means a lot to me so if you want to just leave a comment, and if you have something you would like for me to put in like an event happening please just inbox me or comment your idea! It would really help ppl :3



Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds, it's all over now.

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