The News the Eagle Brought

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It was a peaceful day when the eagle brought the news to the forest. The western sky was adorned with fluffy clouds which floated gracefully over the land. The ancient trees that populated the area swayed their old arms in the breeze. Their leaves rustled wildly, creating dancing shadows on the ground below. The river that flowed through the land sang melodically with the birds who flew overhead.

     There was a forest that stood there, and it was older than anyone knew. Its dense thicket provided a safe environment for many diverse creatures. It was early springtime when the eagle came, and the animals who inhabited the forest were emerging from their winter burrows. The once frosty forest ground was now covered in fresh grass. The sun sent rays of light down through the gaps in the treetops. No one expected dreadful news to be delivered that pleasant spring day.

Freya was a young horse who lived in the forest. She had never lived anywhere else, and the forest was only world she knew. Ever since she was a foal, Freya hadn't known her real parents. Since she was an orphan, one kind creature had stepped in to take the role as her caretaker. Although there was a variety of animals who called the forest home, Freya was the only horse who dwelt there. A variety of birds soared overhead while deer, rabbits, and others roamed below. Freya often wondered why there were no other horses living among her, and why her parents had abandoned her in the forest.

The day the news was delivered seemed like any other. The animal community went about their daily business of collecting nuts, building nests, and hunting for food. Bees busily swarmed around flowers that were bursting up from the ground, reminding the animals that spring had arrived. Freya trotted along on her morning stroll to the river. The journey there was a short one, and she knew the path by heart. As she sauntered down to the spring, her brown eyes blinked in the sunlight that streamed through the leaves above. Freya warmly greeted her neighbors as she walked by. When she neared the river, she spotted one of her good friends.

"Good morning, Jack!" Freya called to a rabbit seated by the coursing stream. Freya had not seen him in a few months due to the harsh winter.

The rabbit was busily cleaning his paws, but when he heard her voice, he turned around. When he saw her familiar face, his eyes widened with surprise. "Freya! It's been a while since I've seen you. Can you believe this weather? I thought spring would never come!"

Jack bounded towards her excitedly, his large ears flopping around with each hop. Freya chuckled and gave him a friendly lick on the head. "Good to see you as well. I'm glad that the cold weather is behind us." Jack nodded in agreement. As the two nibbled on the fresh grass together, they began catching up.

"Have you seen Arthur lately?" Jack asked curiously. His coat was a dappled grey color.

Freya sat down in the soft grass. "Well, now that I'm older and living on my own, he only visits me once a week. Lately, though, he's been crazy busy. He told me that he's been keeping an eye on some creatures that have settled east of here. Every time he mentions them, he seems anxious."

"Weird.." Jack took another bite of grass. "Arthur's always been a bit overly cautious about things, though. If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much." Jack smiled and tried to lighten their conversation.

Freya nodded and remained quiet for a few moments, but spoke up again. "He can be bit too cautious sometimes, but he's also very wise. Ever since I was small, he would tell me stories about all his adventures and experiences. He knows a lot about things outside of the forest. Next time he stops by my place, I'll press him with more details about what he's been observing."

Jack nodded. "You're right. That sounds like a good plan."

The two friends continued chatting with each other as birds hummed in the trees above them. Suddenly, they heard a cry of distress in the distance. All grew still and the birds ceased their singing. Even the coursing river seemed to pause its song.

Freya lifted her head towards the direction of the cry. "Uhh, did you hear that?"

Jack's ears stood straight up on his little head. "Who didn't?!" He replied jokingly.

Out of nowhere, an eagle swooped down from the treetops and clumsily landed before the two. Freya and Jack's conversation halted, and they stared with surprise at the sudden visitor who had nearly crash landed into them.

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