Fast Approaching Enemies

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     Jack's eyes widened and he chuckled. "Speak of the devil. Arthur, we were just talking about you! What's up?"

     Arthur was out of breath, and he appeared as if he had flown quite a distance. His dark eyes darted around in panic, and his gray-tinged feathers were ruffled up in distress.

     Freya took a step towards him. "Arthur! I've missed you! Is...everything alright?"

     Finally calming down, the eagle regained his breath. "Freya, Jack! It's good to see you two, but we have no time to waste. I was watching their camp this morning and they're making their way over the eastern hills. I flew as fast as these old wings could take me to alert everyone. We have to act now and warn the forest before they get here - Trust me! I've dealt with these beings before, and our lives are at stake!"

     Arthur's words were spilling out of his mouth as if he had no control over them. The two felt the urgency in his voice, and they instantly became tense. Freya stepped closer to Arthur with worry in her eyes.

     "Who are these things? And of all places, why would they come here?!" Her ears lay flat against her head.

     The eagle's voice grew quieter, and the forest was eerily silent. The usual chatter and buzz was gone, and other animals looked towards Arthur to see what was going on. When Arthur spoke up again, his words sent chills down the spine of every animal present.

     "These creatures roam the earth on two legs, devouring everything in their path. They take and take everything they can, mercilessly killing as they go. The reason I came to this forest many years ago was to escape them. Its tall trees and thick brush has kept us safe for many years, but we must move on. Once again, these creatures are not satisfied with what they have, and they desire more. They think that every square inch of this world is theirs, and there's no telling what they'll do to make sure they've seized every forest, plain, and mountain. There's many of these enemies headed this way this very moment, and they have strange weapons like I've never seen before. Now hurry, my dear friends! We must warn the forest immediately!"

     With no more questions asked, Freya and Jack took Arthur's urgent orders. The eagle soared above the treetops, warning the birds of the forest. Freya and Jack weaved in between the forest's tree trunks, alerting the land creatures. The animals were horrified, deer and bear alike.

     Mothers gathered their young and began their journey west. The western end of the forest was dark and unknown, but there they knew they would find better refuge from the enemies who were approaching from the east.

     Fear is a powerful force, and it was present in the heart of every creature who dwelled in the forest. It hung over the woods like a blanket of oppression. It was fear that caused the animals to leave all they knew. It was fear that dug it's icy cold fingers into their hearts. And it was fear that coursed through the animals' veins as they left their home full of broad trees with green ivy winding around rough bark.

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