6 Bad Couples

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Once I finally get her to notice me someone has to record us having sex.

Just great.

She stares in horror at the porn video starring her and I. Tears pool in her eyes and she fights her way through the crowd.

"Zosia!" I cry out. She doesn't turn around, she keeps maneuvering through everyone. People watch as I chase after her. The boys stalk off to the snickering Dylan. He's going to wish he never crossed Nico Reed.

We both make it outside and she takes off running. I'm right on her heels. She picks up speed and it's clear where she's going: the train station.

"Zo!" She halts. I knew that would work. Her furious eyes meet mine as she stalks back to me.

"What did you call me, Nico?" She snarls. I grab her before she can throw a punch. She thrashes in my arms. "Let me go, goddamn it!"

"Why can't anyone call you Zo?" I ask softly. She slowly calms down. The only thing that can be heard are her soft sobs. She clutches onto me for her dear life.

We both slide down to our knees, the concrete scratching us up the last thing on our minds.

"They always do this," she mutters into my shirt. "They always find a way to embarrass me."

I just hold her closer. Footsteps and voices calling my name has Zosia in a frenzy. She jumps up and tries to fix her appearance. I push her hands off of her face and use my thumbs to wipe the smeared makeup.

"Guys," J breathes, "Grohl beat the living shit out of Dylan. Dylan said that Nicole is the one that gave him the video, earning Nicole a choke hold."

Zosia looks at the four of us, once Weeze and Grohl arrive. "Who's Nicole?"

"You don't know--!"

I cut Weeze off. He adjust his earbud and avoids eye contact with me. "She's the basic bitch that thinks she rules the school."



"I don't have much. Just some hot chocolate and snacks," my girl calls from the kitchen. Her firm ass is in the air as she digs through her lower cabinets. She turns around and runs right into me. She shrieks and stumbles back. Her eyes roll and she walks around me.

The boys lounge in her living room, browsing through Netflix and anything they can get their hands on.

"So how's hot chocolate, snacks, and movies sound?" She asks. We agree to that plan and she bounces off to prepare us the food.

J playfully punches my shoulder. "You got yourself a legit woman who can cook and is smart and everything. Wife her up, bro."

"Oh wifey!" I call in a sing song voice. I can hear her gag. I swoop into her kitchen and wrap my arms around her from the back. "My beautiful wifey girl. Always taking care of me."

She elbows my ribs, knocking the wind out of me for a good second. She stalks off with a smirk and the snacks for us. I follow once I can breath again.

She's burried under a pile of blankets J no doubt put her under. He's such a dad. I take the seat beside her that was purposely reserved for me.

These boys really know how to play the wing men.

"Hey, we're pretty tired," Weeze says half an hour into the movie referring to him, J, and Grohl. "Can we crash in one of your rooms?"

"Course," Zosia smiles. "Goodnight, boys." They all give their goodnights before racing up the stairs to adventure around her house.

She sinks into the warmth of her blanket as the clock went from midnight to almost two a.m. Just to get her to share her blankets I chatter my teeth.

She glances at me every now and then, but I think the curiosity is getting to her.

"Are you cold, papi?"


"It is pretty chilly," I smirk down at her. She scoots closer to me and slowly moves her entire body onto mine so the blankets cover us both.

She adjusts herself so she straddling me. My hands find her hips as she pulls my chin down.


Her breathe is hot against the coolness of my skin.


She doesn't grind against me or even try to kiss me. Instead she pushes me down so I'm lying down straight across her couch. She crawls on me and lies on top of me, the blankets covering us both. Her head rests on my chest, her hair fanned out and almost touching my nose, those lips parted as she considerates on the movie.

I've never cuddled with a girl before. I'm Nico fucking Reed for God sakes. I just don't have the guts to tell the sleepy Angel that.

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