8 Bad Couples

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Outfit for this chapter (and the last one tbh)

"Where are you taking me?" Zosia dramatically exclaims once again. I toss her a smirk and keep driving. I step on the gas once we reach the dirt road I was looking for.

I'm about to make this-- whatever we have-- more than physical.

Her adjusts her sunglasses and tosseled hair. Personally I enjoy her looking a little roughed up (especially if I was the one to rough her up). The car comes to a stop as she reapplies her red lip stick. We both exit and face the big field. Her perfectly sculpted eyebrow raises.

"Where are we?" She chuckles. I tangle my fingers with hers. I tug her to the fence. I easily climb it, but Monkey hesitates.

"C'mon, Monkey, don't make me take the name back." Her eyes roll at my smirk but she kicks her heels off and expertly climbs over the fence. Deciding to mirror her actions I pull my boots and socks off. "I don't want you to be the only one having fun."

"Where are we." It's not a question, it's a command to tell het where we are.

"This is the biggest berry patch in the state," I grin. We relace our fingers and we take off in a run, leaving our shoes by the fence. Her skirt flies in our man made wind. She stops when the bushes come into view.

Hundreds of berry bushes are scattered around the place. She gapes rather unattractively.

She opens her mouth to speak but shuts it only to open it again. "This is illegal isn't it." I shrug, but my smirk says all she needs to know. She spins and presses her little body on mine. She shakes her head side to side softly. "You know the way to a girl's heart."

And suddenly I want to find out who Zosia Beer really is.


Our tongues are stained blue from all the blackberries. Sloppy kisses, joking around, throwing food at each other-- that's what I spent my day doing. For some reason I like spending time with Zo.

Our hands remain attached as I drive back to the city. The stars can be seen out here and I can tell she adores it. Maybe deep down she's a country girl.

She sighs deeply. "Thank you."

My thumb rubs into the supple skin on her hand. She's so soft, how do women stay so soft? "It was no problem. Maybe we'll have a second date."

Coughing-- she's coughing really hard. I burst into laughter at she struggles to get oxygen. Serves her right for doubting me.

"Date?" She exclaims. "What date? This was a date? Why didn't you tell me!" She retracts her hand and crosses her arms like a child. Here comes the pout. "Fucking hell, I would have changed."

My now free hand rests on her bare thigh, squeezing and pulling. She's so fucking sexy in her little skirts and baggy t-shirts. She looks over at me and catches my eye for a split moment. I stare ahead of us, the city coming back into view.

"I would suggest we head to your place to crash but it's Monday and we kinda have school," I groan. She shrugs, but her smile falls into a frown when she thinks I'm not looking.

Her house comes into her sight faster than I'd like. She steps out of the car, not before thanking me, into the crisp almost midnight air. "Hey!" I call out my open window. She turns to face me. "No kiss?"

"I don't kiss on first dates," she smirks and sashays to her front door. I watch to make sure she gets in okay before backing out of her driveway and out the mouth of the street.

Both of my parents sit awake as I walk in. Mom glances back at me and smiles. "I thought you got arrested again. You never stay out this late on a school night."

I greet her with a smile and a shrug. "I had something to take care of."

Mom looks me over, her eyebrows furrowed, before elbowing my half asleep father. "Larry! Nico was out with a girl."

"He's always out with a girl," the sleepy voice of the twenty year old girl says from the bottom of the stairs. My sister grumbles. "Why is this big news, it's nearly twelve thirty and you're squealing because he was with a girl?"

Mom shushes her daughter with a glare. "He was on a date, Zen." My sister goes back to her bedroom cackling like a meth addict, snickering about me never dating. Mom turns her attention back to me. "Get some sleep. But don't think we aren't talking when you wake up!"

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