18 Bad Couples

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Weeze brings the pizza to the living room. Zo tucks her feet under her ass so she can lean over and grab a paper plate. I serve her pizza and she thanks me.

A normal Saturday at Weeze's place is relaxing. Just having some pizza, drinking soda, and lounging around is all I could ask for. For once Weeze isn't high off his rocker.

"Why don't we go out?" J suggests. I finish off my pizza and collect mine and Zosia's trash.

"There's a party downtown." The guys nod at my words. I glance at Zo; she's picking at her nails and sipping on her Pepsi. It's amazing how tame she is around us, but when it comes to others she becomes a hostile bitch.

We agree to see what's up down there. Zo suggests that she changes and heads to her house.

"Hey," Grohl says, "is everything okay with Zo?"

I scratch the back of my neck and shrug. "She's been off lately. Personal things." He nods and follows us out to our cars.

Zo comes out of her house dressed and ready. We both climb into my car. She looks out the window, not speaking a word to me. Maybe I did something. She is never this quiet. Her bangs sway in the chilly wind because of her open window, her lips reddened by her lipstick, her full hips shown off by her tight clothes.

"You know I love you," she croaks out at a stop light.

"I do." Her hand is enveloped by mine as she finally looks at me.

"And you know how I'm nothing but trouble."

"Don't say that, ma," I press. "You're more than your past."

She shrugs and takes her sunglasses off. Her blue eyes are shiny with unshed tears. "I have to leave soon."

My heart breaks the second she stops speaking.


We never made it to the party. We have to talk, and quick. She continues to cry and I don't know what to say.

We stop in the middle of the woods. She turns to me, her face tear stained and blotchy. Maybe my mother was right. I can see myself with this girl for the rest of my life. She's the one I love and the one I wouldn't mind having children with.

I'm only eighteen and already saying I want kids with my girlfriend. I'm so püssy whipped.

"Don't leave me." I sound so damn needy. What happened to Nico Reed that doesn't fall in love, that slept with girl after girl, that didn't even crack a damn smile? All I do is fucking smile now, she made me love.

"I have to. I have no choice."

"Why? Why are you fucking leaving me?" My hands slam against the steering wheel and those tears that I don't want to fall are pooling in my eyes.

"I-I can't say."

"Fucking tell me, Zosia Amelia Beer. Tell me why you have to leave." Her eyes widen but she doesn't speak. "Tell me why I should just let you walk away. You wiggle into my life, steal my fucking heart, and then leave?"

"You wouldn't unders--."

"I will, goddamn it! I will understand because this time you aren't leaving. I don't give a flying fuck if you need to leave. If you leave that means you never cared. If you leave me alone again I can promise you I will never be the same." I lean forward, pressing our noses together. "Is that what you want? To break the broken?"

"What we're doing is bad," she whimpers, "love hurts people. Leaving means you can find a good girl. Someone who won't be so cold towards you and someone who doesn't have trouble expressing her feelings."

"I like the challenge, Zosia Beer. I've finally got you and I damn know I'm not letting you go."

"I-I'm--." She stops speaking and folds her hands on her lap. More tears fall down her face. "I don't want our child to have me as a mother."

I think I stopped breathing.

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