Chapter 1

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     I was sitting at home on phone when I decided to go for a walk around town. I was listening to my music when I stepped outside and saw a moving truck next door. Me being myself I hid behind the bushes and looked to see who moved in.
I then heard an unknown voice "Ok just move all the boxes in there"
That voice sounded like an old man and I looked to see a man talking to the movers. When I looked to the right I saw a blonde haired boy with beautiful blue eyes on his phone.
"He's cute.." I said.
And of course with my luck the boy looked up and I ducked down before he saw me. I quickly ran back to the house and my mom looked at me like I was crazy.
"What's your problem honey?" My mom asked
"Nothing mom.. Just went for a run thats all.."
"Well I invited the neighbors to come eat dinner with us later tonight" she replied.
"Really?" I said excitedly
"Yeah and they have a boy your age! I hope y'all become great friends" my mom answered.
I ran upstairs after my mom finished talking to pick out an outfit.
"I literally have nothing to wear!"
I threw my clothes to the corner of the room when I found the perfect outfit.
It was a dark blue shirt with the words 'Will you be my Younow boy?' With light blue shorts.
"I might be doing too much just for dinner at my house.. Oh well!" I said to myself.
I put the clothes on my bed and scrolled through Instagram.
"Honey it's almost time for the guests to be here!" My mom said.
"Ok hold on! I'm getting dressed right now!"
I threw on my clothes I had sitting on the bed and ran downstairs.
"Why'd you dress up if we're eating here?" My mom asked confused.
"Gotta make the best first impression mother."
Your mom laughed and placed the last dish on the table.
"Wow you haven't cooked this much since dad left.." You said quietly.
"I know honey.. I was just never in the mood to cook." My mom said sadly.
"Well I'm gonna text my best friend Celina while I wait. I'll be in the living room if you need me!" I said while walking away.
"Okay honey."
I sat down on the couch and texted my friend Celina to tell her some people moved in next door.
( B - Brooke / C - Celina )
B - "Heyy"
C - "Hey gurl"
B - "So people are moving in next door and they have a son our age and he's like. Really cute.."
C - "Uh oh you get it gurl!"
B - "Hah stop it.. So how are you and Blake?"
C - "He's kinda cheating on me."
B - "Kinda? Oh hell no. I'll kill him for you."
C - "I'll already broke up with him it's fine haha."
B - "Oh okay good.. Well I gotta go I think the neighbors are here."
B - "Whatever bye Cece"
I walked into the kitchen and saw the boy standing there on his phone. Again.
"Hi I'm Denise." I'm guessing that was the boys mom.
"And I'm Rob." And I guess that's his dad.
"This is Jonas" Ahh that's his name. Cute.
When his mom introduced him he put his phone up and smiled at me.
"Hi.." He said awkwardly
"Hey" I said back to him.
We all sat down and my mother passed around the food. I nearly had my plate full while Jonas barely had anything on his plate.
"Your not gonna eat?" I said to Jonas.
"Yeah.." He said awkwardly.
I laughed and continued to eat my food until my plate was clean.
"I'm done.. I can't eat anything else" I said.
"Same.." Jonas said
"Hey Jonas? Wanna sit in the living room with me so we can talk and get to know each other? I mean we are neighbors.." I said.
"Yeah sure lets go" Jonas said getting up.
I sat on the couch and Jonas sat beside me but he acted like I would bite cause he sat a little bit farther away.
I said "I'm not gonna bite Jonas."
"I know." He said awkwardly.
"Why are you so awkward.?" I asked.
"I'm not its just that. Your beautiful ok..? I'm get nervous around people that are beautiful.." He said.
"Aww thank you Jonas.." I hugged him and he hugged back.
"Give me your phone." I said commandingly.
Jonas gave me his phone and I put my number in it.
"Text me sometime pretty boy" I said.
"I will."
"Jonas! Come on honey. Time to go home!" His mom said
"Well I gotta go. See you later" he said to me.
"Okay Byeee" I replied.
Jonas walked away and went home and you went to your room to go to sleep when Celina texted you.
C - "Tell me everything"
B - "I will later haha. Goodnight."
C - "Goodnight"
I turned off my phone and went to sleep.


Danielle ✨

The Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora