Chapter 2

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"AH" *thud*
"Honey you okay?" I heard my mom say.
"Yeah I just fell off the bed cause the alarm scared me.." I replied.
I got up and walked downstairs to see my mom making lunch.
"But I thought it was like 8:30?" I asked confused.
"I set your alarm clock back so you could sleep in" my mom said sweetly.
"Aw thanks mom. It is summer.. I don't know why my alarm was still on."
I walked back upstairs and put on blue jean shorts with a grey crop top and white converse.
"MOM! I'm going outside for a bit!"
"Okay sweetie!" My mom yelled.
I walked outside and heard screaming and breaking noises.
"What the hell?"
"It's my parents.. They do that sometimes"
I jumped and turned around to see Jonas standing there.
"Your parents?" I asked sadly
"Yeah.. I got used to it over time though." He said normally.
"Ahh okay." I replied.
"Why do you have a bruise on your head?" He asked.
"What?! I do? Shit it must've been when I fell out of bed this morning." I said shyly.
"Haha you fell out of bed?" He said trying to hide his laughter.
I hit his shoulder "Yeah don't judge me dude"
"I'm not I'm not" he said laughing, "Oh by the way I invited some friends to hang out. You wanna hang out with us? It's just some people."
"Sure" I said simply, "What are their names?"
"Julian, Jovani, Mario, and Cat. Cat is Marios sister.." He answered.
"Okay cool." I said.
"DUDE I FOUND A POKEMON" a random voice said.
I turned around and saw a boy who looked a little bit Canadian.
"Jovani!" Jonas said.
"Boy move I'm trying to find some Pokemon."
I laughed at what Jovani said and he looked at me.
"Who's this?" Jovani asked.
"I'm Brooke."
"Nice to meet you Brooke" said another voice.
"I'm Julian. Jovanis Twin." He said
"Ahh nice to meet you guys then." After I said that I saw another boy and a girl come up from no where.
"I'm Catalina. But call me Cat" the girl said.
"And I'm Mario. Her big brother." He said.
"Hi." I said nervously.
Jonas put his arm around me and whispered in my ear 'Don't be nervous. They're cool people'.
I nodded my head and we all walked down the street.
"ok I'm done with this" Jovani said shoving his phone down his pocket. "Pokemon Go be pissing me off"
"Depressing" Julian said sarcastically.
"Don't start fighting now guys." Cat said annoyed.
I walked up beside Cat and she smiled at me.
"Hey Brooke! What's your number so I can text you?"
"Here let's switch phones and put each other's number in." I said.
"Alright" Cat said. We switched phones and put our numbers in and continued walked with the boys.
"By the way. Jonas won't quit talking about you.."
Cat said quietly.
"You're lying. Haha. He would never like me" I said.
"Oh but he does. Even though y'all just met he won't stop bringing you up. I bet he's talking about you right now to the boys." Cat said pointing over to them.
I looked over and saw Jonas glance over at me and then back at the boys.
"So.. Jonas might like me?" I asked Cat.
"Not might. He does like you." She said happily.
I smiled and hugged Cat cause I had to go back home.
"Mom! I'm home."
"I'm in the living room!"
I walked in the living room and my mom was watching Netflix.
"Whatcha watching momma?"
"Random stuff.. There's nothing really on right now.." She said.
"Hmm that's sad." I said sarcastically.
I walked up to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a different crop top and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I always went to the gym cause I hated having a little bit a fat on me so I was pretty slim.
After I put up my hair I got a message from Cat.
Cat - "He's talking about you."
Brooke - ""Really? What's he saying"
Cat - "He keeps talking about how beautiful and sweet you are.. I think he's gonna ask you out soon."
Brooke - "Hah ok Cat. Well I gotta go okay?"
Cat - "Ok Gurl ily"
Brooke - "Ily2"
"Who messaged me this time?"
It was a message from Celina.
Celina - "You gonna tell me?"
Brooke - "Oh yeah!"
Celina - "Well spill it Sista!"
Brooke - "Well we were eating and then me and Jonas got done so we went into the living room to chill and stuff and he was being really awkward. When I asked him why he was being awkward he said it was because I was beautiful and then I gave him my number"
Celina - "AY go best friend!"
Brooke - "Haha whatever well I gotta go babe ily"
Celina - "Ilyy"
I put down my phone and went downstairs to get some water when the someone knocked on the door.
"I got it mom!"
I opened the door and saw Jonas.
"Oh hi." I said.
"Hey.. Can I come in?"
"Yeah sure come on."
"Nice outfit by the way." He said.
I realized I was wearing a crop top but I didn't care.
"Thank you." I replied.
"Can I talk to you?" He asked nervously.
"Sure lets go to my room though my mom is in the living room and she might eavesdrop on us." I said.
He followed me upstairs and into my room and I sat down on my bed while he stood up beside the bed.
"So you're just not gonna sit down?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah sure"
He sat down beside me and I looked at waiting for him to talk.
"I know we only met yesterday but you're gorgeous and I wanna get to know you better. You seem like a great girl. And yeah.."
I was a little disappointed but hey. He wanted to get to know me more.
"Sure!" I said happily.
"Really? Awesome!" He said while hugging me.
He let go really fast and looked at me worried.
"Im sorry." He said.
"Don't be! I love hugs" I said reassuringly.
"Cool" he said, "well I gotta go.. See ya tomorrow?"
"Yeah see ya tomorrow." I said waving at him.
When he walked out of my room I did my happy dance cause I'm weird okay.
"Honey? Is there a reason you're dancing like that?"
I stopped dancing and my hair completely fell in my face.
"No.. I just wanna be weird right now" I said nervously.
"Okay honey well I'm gonna go to bed I'm don't feel very well."
"Okay mom hope you feel better! Love you!"
"Love you too honey" I heard my mom say before she shut her bedroom door.
"jeez dancing can make a girl sleepy" I said while yawning.
I slipped into my bed and covered up in the covers when I heard a knock at my window.
"Hello..?" I said scared.
"Let me in.."
"Yes it's Mario. Now let me in. It's cold out here"
"But it's summer.."
"Whatever just let me in"
I let Mario in and he almost slipped on the tree branch he was standing on to get in here.
"So your room is upstairs.. Nice" he did brushing off the dirt on his pants.
"Now can I ask why you're here this late?"
"Ah yes. Well I'm here because Jonas is madly in love with you. And because Cat wanted to give you something but she made me bring it." He said giving me a note.
"Well thanks I guess." I said.
"No problem. Have a good night Brooke."
"You too Mario."
He climbed out of the house and I saw him run to I'm guessing was his house.
I locked the windows and out the note down on the table beside my bed.
"I'll read it later.. I'm too sleepy to read.."


Danielle ✨

The Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora