Chapter 4

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    I was sitting in my room trying to pick out an outfit but it was frustrating. Being a girl sucks alright. Having no clothes to wear when you have a closet full and periods. Don't even get me started with periods.
"Brooke! Get down here we have guests!"
"Okay Mom!" I said while putting on a regular shirt and high waisted shorts.
"Who's her- Oh.. Hi" I stopped mid sentence because the people that were here were new people that moved to town. They don't live far from here but they don't live exactly close either.
"Hi I'm Debra, this is my husband Steve, and this is my son Brendon" the woman said looking at me.
"Hi I'm Brooke. Welcome to the neighborhood" I said nervously. Her son has staring problems I swear. He keeps looking at me like he wants to swallow me whole. Ew that's gross.
I shook the thought out of my mind and sat in the living room and Brendon followed.
"Hey. Wanna hang out sometime?" He asked.
"Sure when?" I said trying not to be rude thinking he was talking about hanging out and not kissing.
"Right now will work" he said leaning close to me.
"Stop.. I have a boyfriend." I said laughing him away.
"Brooke. He isn't here. I bet I'm sexier than him anyways." He said biting his lip. Gosh this guy is ugly. Jonas is way sexier than this boy.
"Get away you creep!" I screamed. But his parents didn't hear. So I ran outside like any other person would do.
"Jonas!" I screamed but of course. He was still asleep. He needs to stop leaving his blinds open though.
"Brooke! Come back babe!" Brendon screamed.
"Stop!" This time when I screamed Jonas woke up and ran outside.
"What the heck?" He said scratching his head.
"Man get away from my girl" Brendon said not knowing I was Jonas' girlfriend.
"She's my girl and I'd advise you to leave before I put you 10 feet under" Jonas said walking up to Brendon.
"I live nearby. I will get her Jonas. Wether you like it or not." He said walking to his car.
"Creep.." I whispered.
"Great a boy that wants my girl AND he lives nearby.." He said angrily.
"Jonas stop hes not getting me. You're the only thing I want." I said before kissing him.
"Yeah I know it's just. People like that will do anything and sometimes kill." He said sadly.
"No one can kill me except for me" I said confidently.
"Brooke!" I heard a familiar voice say.
"Celina!" I said running over to her.
"Who's that cute guy that just drove off from your house?" She asked.
"Some dude that tried taking my virginity." I said simply.
"Oh Nevermind then.." She said changing tone.
"Yeah he's not gonna be going by Brooke anytime soon" Jonas said.
"Ahh so you're the Jonas dude Brooke won't stop talking about haha." She said trying to embarrass me.
"Really? She does?" Jonas said staring at me.
"I do. And I'm not afraid to admit it cause I knew you do too." I said making him turn bright red.
"You guys are too cute.." Celina said.
*ring ring*
"That's my phone" Jonas said pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"My friend Weston. He's coming by." Jonas said.
"Really?" Celina asked.
"Yeah you wanna meet him?" Jonas asked her.
"Yeah! I'd love too!" She said jumping up and down.
"Woah clam down Cece" I said containing my laughter.
"There's Weston!" Jonas said pointing to a figure walking over.
"Hey Jonas. This must be Brooke?" Weston said pointing to Cece.
"No I'm Brooke" I said pointing to myself.
"Nice to meet you. Who are you?" He said looking ST Celina.
"I'm Celina. Nice to meet you Weston."
"Oh crap Weston can you stay out here with Celina for a minute I forgot me and Brooke had to do something" Jonas said winking at me.
"Yeah come on Jonas lets go."
We started walking when I heard laughing coming from Weston and Celina.
"Jonas. I think they're gonna be great for each other."
"Me too Brooke."
"Jonas? What are we gonna do while they hang out?"
"I don't know. Guess we'll find out." He said smiling.
We walked into his room and I fell on his bed and he laid beside me. He pulled me close and rubbed my hair and we stayed like that for what felt like forever. But the moments like these make everything perfect. Even if it's just silence. As long as me and Jonas are together there's no place I'd rather be.


Danielle ✨

The Boy Next DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora