Chapter 1: Some thoughts never sleep

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It's the first chapter of the last book. Wow what a journey. Sorry for such a long wait. Starting a new book is harder then it seems it should be. Anyway, enjoy. Stay strong my lovelies!

"Are you girls almost ready?!" I turned to Jill and Leslie and giggled as we hoisted the rest of our bags down to the elevator of the hotel. It had finally come to this point, this point of extreme life change. We were going to college. For many nights, Leslie and I had discussed what colleges we wanted to go to and finally decided to apply to Westfield State. We both practically cried together when we saw that we had both been accepted. Jill had applied to several schools and got accepted to 5 but she chose Westfield because she wanted to be with us. It was amazing how all of us were going to start our new chapter in life together. We were staying in a hotel because my dad didn't want us to have to fly up so we ended up driving. Today we finished the rest of the journey.

"Hey ladies, you can't leave without saying goodbye." I smiled widely and threw myself into Justin's waiting arms. He had come with us because he wanted to say goodbye and his college was starting a week later than ours. He was truly one of my best friends. It took a while for him to stop pursuing a relationship with me but the stronger friendship that developed afterwards was worth the awkwardness of rejecting him. Leslie shoved me out of the way and gave Justin a huge hug to which he faked pain about. Justin and Leslie were weird friends. I always thought they would get together but it must have been me that got in the middle of it. Jill yanked my arm to head outside and I almost dropped all of my bags. We threw them in the trunk of the car and hoped into separate vehicles. Leslie's family and Jill's family wanted to drive them to school and I was honestly okay with that. Justin was driving in Leslie's car so that left just me and my dad to finish the trip together.

I had wanted Brian to come with us but he had already started school and Aunt Trinity thought that the trip would make him fall behind. We had spent the day together before we left and I was honestly so happy that he was doing well. He had made a lot of friends in school and he was doing well academically. He still went to the counselor twice a week which bothered him but I believed it to be absolutely necessary because the nightmares still occurred frequently. I really hoped that Carter would die in prison.

"How are you doing sweetie?"

"I'm doing alright dad. I think that this change will be good for me. It will help me to move on."

"If you need anything. Anything you tell me."

"I know dad. Thank you."

"Honey, I'm really worried about your eating."

"Dad! I've been recovered for a year. You don't have to worry about me. I've maintained a healthy weight for a long time. I'm doing okay I promise."

"I know... It's just I'm scared. I know college is stressful and some people gain a lot of weight their first year. I don't want you gaining any weight to affect you or cause you to relapse..."

"Yeah the freshman 15. My counselor told me all about it. She referred me to a good one around here and she wants me to get in contact with her immediately."

"That's good. That helps with my nerves a little."

"I'm going to be okay dad. Don't worry."

"I know baby, it's just... I can't... I can't see you get that small and wasted away again. I almost lost you and I'll be damned if I lose you again."

I awkwardly patted my dad's back as he cried. I really messed him up with my illness and I think what scared him the most was the fact that he didn't understand it. It's almost unfathomable that there are people in this world that will deliberately deprive themselves of something that is the 2nd most important thing to survival. But we existed. Or maybe I existed for a time.

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