Chapter 4: Just be careful

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Emergency meeting bitches. Bring your progress

With the text sent I flopped onto my bed. These girls were going to be the death of me. It was like they couldn't take care of themselves. I was getting texts every day from one of these girls asking me to give them motivation to continue. They needed to be their own motivation. Like what the hell was I? Their personal starvation coach? Oh wait, yeah, I was. I would have to teach them all a lesson today. If they weren't serious about this then they were out. I didn't need weak people in my group, it was hard enough motivating myself. Lunch time was rolling around and I was on my 47th hour of fasting. I didn't feel great but that was the side effect of success. Drew had not been able to see me last night, he had basketball or something. Maybe that was why I was in a bad mood. The only time I could be myself was around him and that stupid bitch was trying to come out more and more. She was no longer satisfied with being silenced. Maybe I should dump Drew. Just the thought sent a sharp pain in my heart. Too attached I suppose. These girls would just have to be enough to get my anger out.

Debbie, Lauren, Tianna, Tara, Claire, Ayana, Trixie, and Morgan. With the exception of Tara and Tianna, they all looked terrified. Good they should be. I had ordered them to get lunch today and bring it with them to the cafeteria meeting. Chicken tenders, hash browns, and baby carrots, such garbage food.

"We are having this meeting because I am pissed at you guys. You are begging me to be your strength. You want motivation all the time. Listen, and listen closely. I am not your "ANA" or whatever the hell you want to call it. You came to me because you wanted to be skinny. I gave you the tips and a group to help you with that. You guys want me to approve your useless weight loss goals. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Binging and purging is not going to get you the results you want. If you put calories in then there will be calories in. Throwing up doesn't change that. That's not the point of this though. Show me your progress.'

The girls scrambled to pull out their food diaries. I checked them once a week. If it didn't seem satisfactory then I kicked them out of the group. The group didn't need weak people. I scanned the various notebooks. The most that was lost was 1 pound. One pound! Was this some sort of joke. I scowled at them and they at least had the decency to look down.

"It's like you bitches aren't even trying. If you guys don't want to put in the damn effort then fine. You guys brought your lunches and now you have to eat them all. In front of me so you can see my disappointment. Don't just sit there. Eat the damn food!"

What the actual hell?! Like, I at least though Tara and Tianna would be successful but even they didn't lose anything in a week. I really was the only one that was trying and that frustrated me. There was silence as the girls at their lunches. Stupid bitches.

"I hope you guys are enjoying your meals. No purging after this either. If I get wind that any of you did, you are out. No discussion. You guys seem to have no problem with no progress so you will eat. Eat today and Whale-ow tomorrow. Is that what you guys want? To be whales huh?" They shook their heads and they filled their fat faces with food. It was so dangerous that these girls gave me so much power. I made me feel a little happy inside that I could say whatever I wanted and I still had the loyalty of these girls. It was sad, and a little pathetic. No one would ever have this type of power over me as long as I lived. I scanned the cafeteria and saw an unfamiliar face in the crowd. Oh yes, the college kids were here, I had forgotten. As I looked at her sitting at one of the tables I saw her look up and make eye contact with me. She got up and starting walking towards me. She was shorter than me, maybe 5'5 and weighed the normal amount. She had a dumb smile on her face. This hopeful idiot. Now was the time to knock her down a peg. I signaled to Tara to move over so new girl could come sit with us. She looked as if she wanted to introduce herself and talk but I spoke up before any words could come out of her mouth. I cleared my throat to get the attention of the girls. It was lesson time.

"This here is an example of someone who doesn't know how to discipline herself. This an example of a fat whale. And what do we want to be?"

"Thin and pure." They recited like robots.

"Yup. Thin and desirable." I smirked at the girl as I saw her lips draw into a tight line.

"Why are you here?" I spat at her.

"I'm here to help you guys, Brenna. My name is Elizabeth I go to..."

"I don't care. We don't need help. These girls and I our perfectly fine. I don't want you or your dangerous fat ass coming near me or any of these girls. I see you already know my name. So know this about me. I don't fuck with people and they most certainly do not fuck with me. Understand?"

"I see what you are doing and you have no idea how dangerous this is. I know you don't like me for whatever reason but that will change. I've been down your road before."

"Of what? Starving? Because I literally cannot tell."

"Just watch yourself Brenna. Don't drag these girls down to hell with you."

She got up and left the cafeteria completely. I must have hit a nerve. Good. The last thing we needed was some self-righteous college student coming and telling us that our life choices didn't promise success.

"You were kind of more of a bitch then you needed to be."

"Fuck off Tianna."

I got up and left them. I had had enough today. Classes would start soon anyway and it was mostly just annoying to see them eat. I headed to the bathroom to kill sometime and may text Drew in peace. I walked in an saw that girl Elizabeth looking in the mirror. He eyes quickly went in my direction and she smiled. What a weirdo.

"I know what you are feeling Brenna. You feel you can control your life and circumstances by controlling the people around you and what you eat. I've been there and I promise it only ends in heartbreak and utter disappointment."

"You don't get it do you? I don't care about you. You have no impact on my life or my choices. I don't care if you've "been there", wherever that is. I was just sending you a warning in the cafeteria to stay the hell away from me and my girls."

"The choices you make are yours, but I won't let you influence those other girls."

"Oh honey. They are there by their own choice so I'd be much obliged if you fucked off."

"No." With that she left the bathroom. Fuck. This girl was going to be a problem.

Elizabeth POV

"You guys, like this girl is bad." I was venting to Leslie and Jill about Brenna.

"Sounds like she is the definition of Trigger warning." Leslie was laying on my lap with her eyes closed. She was meditating or so she claimed.

"I honestly think that you should stay away from this girl. You've had so much progress on yourself. I'd hate to see you lose that." Jill was right but I couldn't agree with her.

"She's dragging those girls down. The choices she is making are not just about her. She has them eating out of her hand! I am not going to mess with her, but I am going to try to influence these girls. Save them before it's too late."

"Just be careful please." I looked down at Leslie and knew she was right. I had to be careful.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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