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~4am Next Day~
I wake up out of nowhere to the sound of banging on my door.... Great it's mom drunk again, every time we get in a fight she drinks and then try's to talk to me but I'm smart and locked my door last night

"Aria baby let mommy in" she slurs "Go away you drunk" I yell threw the door "I am your mother you do not talk to me like that now you listen here open this door right this minute!" She yells as she starts to kick the door... "Your going to wake up the kids go to bed!" I yell as I get out of bed and walk to the door "Aria I'm trying to make things work with you okay I'm sorry for being a bad mother but I'm going to be better this time" she says as she starts to cry "You will never be better you will always be the same and I will always remember when you did nothing when I needed you the most" I say coldly, it was silent for a little bit and then I heard a door close thank god she went to bed.... Great now I can't sleep!

~1 Hour Later~
Okay fuck this shit I'm getting up.... After about 2 minutes of preparing to get out of bed  I take my phone off the charger and decide to shower and get into some black leggings,my California sweatshirt and put my hair up in a messy bun, Then decide to skip on makeup since I'll only be out for a little bit,and finally put my black vans on.

I slowly open my window and climb out onto the roof and use the big tree in the yard to climb down to the ground... I walk around the block to this park I saw on the drive here and wait till the sun comes up and just enjoy the piece and quiet, before I have to go back home... I finally start to walk back when I notice this guy in all black walking behind me with his head down I start to speed up and so does he I then go around the corner and stand flat against the wall and once he turned I punch him right in the jaw hard "What the fuck!" He yells "Why are you following me?" I calmly say "I wasn't following you!" He says holding his jaw "Oh... I'm sorry I have to go" I say quickly as I run back to my house, why did I do that? That poor man didn't do anything... I need to stop being so paranoid.

I start to pick up my running and eventually make it to the house and knowing everyone is up I just walk right threw the front door.

"Hey Ari were have you been?" My little brother Tyler asks as he puts Mia in her high chair in the kitchen "Park" I say as I grab an apple from the fridge. "Moms still in bed" Tyler says as looks down at his feet
"You heard our fight didn't you?" I say as I walk over to him "Ya" he says as he looks up at me, "Don't worry about it alright she will get over it, why don't we go explore today?" I say trying to cheer him up he's 10 and worries about everything, if me and mom fight he panics and gets upset I know it's because of everything we've been through and I feel bad so I try my best to help him forget about it...

"Okay" he smiles "Alright go get dressed and I'll get Mia fed, meet me by the door in 40 minutes" I say as I get Mia's food out.

~5 minutes Later~
After feeding Mia I put her in her room to play while I get ready
I take a quick shower and brush my teeth, deodorant and put some black shorts on and an Adidas tie dye crop top, I am skinny but not to skinny it's a good middle i guess you could say.
I leave my hair naturally wavy and put my makeup on, pretty simple foundation,contour,eyeshadow,eyeliner,and mascara I sometimes wear lipstick but I usually stick to Chapstick
Finally I grab my white converse and go to meet Tyler by the door

~45 Minutes Later~
"Tyler hurry up!" I yell up the stairs
"Coming!" I hear him yell, soon enough Tyler comes running down the stairs
"Moms awake run!" He smiles and starts laughing as we both bolt out the door as our mother comes after us yelling

"Get back here! Were are you two going?" Me and Tyler keep running until the house is out of sight
"Whew that was a close one" I huff as I catch my breath "Ya" he laughs "Were to?" He asks as we start to walk down a ally "Well I say we go prank people what do you say?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him, in San Diego we would always run around causing trouble together it helps us forget about how shitty our life's are

~10 Minutes Later~
"Okay see that rich bitch with the coffee?" I ask Tyler as we hide behind a dumpster in an ally "Ya the one outside of Starbucks?" "Yes okay so on my signal I want you to go run and splash her coffee all over her hair" I smirk evilly Tyler smirks as well and nods
Yes what we are doing is not very nice but you can tell she's a stuck up rich bitch, as Tyler gets ready to charge I look for something to damage I then see a cop car parked on the side walk, the driver must be inside.... Well here goes nothin!

"Ready?" I ask as we give a quick glance at each other "Ready" he smirks "Go!" I yell before Tyler and I both charge to our positions
Tyler runs up to the snob blonde and grabs her coffee "Excuse you give me that back you asshole!" She says annoyed and mad "Sure thing miss" Tyler laughs as he opens the lid and quickly dumps her coffee all over her head, "My hair!" She screams me and Tyler just start laughing as she runs into Starbucks "Hurry Ari your turn!" Tyler says

I then kick a dent in the police car and and throw one of the outside chairs threw the windshield as I expected the police man comes running out as do the rich bitch blonde "Run!" I yell as I yank on Tyler's shirt

We both start running as fast as we can me occasionally pushing Tyler to go faster "Fuck! there gaining on us" I yell as I look behind me to see a cop car about 2 feet behind us and two big police officers on our ass "Whatever happens Tyler keep running" I say as we pick up our pace
I see an ally up ahead so I grab Tyler's hand and turn, the cops will soon catch up so I look for options I see escape ladders for the apartments and a dumpster so I push the dumpster under a ladder and help Tyler on it
"Stay here and keep quite okay?" "Okay" he says

I then jump off the dirty dumpster and push it over to a wall but when I look back I see three cops standing there looking very pissed
"Oh hello ladies how's the workout?"
I smirk "Your in big trouble little girl" the biggest officer there grumbled
"Ah you see that's not happening because you three are to fat and chubby to catch me" I laugh as I jump on the dumpster and swing over the brick wall onto the next street the landing hurt more than I thought it would but oh well. I run over to a house and jump the fence thank the lord no one was home I sit against the fence and catch my breath after a bit I decided to go back to the ally get Tyler once I stopped hearing police sirens

~10 Minutes Later~
Me and Tyler have been standing outside our front door for at least 2 minutes now deciding wether we should go in or not
"Fuck it I'm going in" I say as I open the door but instantly regret it

"We're have you two been I have been worried sick I heard police sirens all day!" Our mother rants on but I just start to go up the stairs ignoring her as usual, "Aria!" "What?" I ask annoyed
"Were were you two" "Park" I say "Oh okay well goodnight sweetie" she says as she turns around to go back to cooking food for Richard when he gets home late because of work, "Oh wait" she says turning around as I stop at the top of the stairs "What now?" I ask "I talked to some new friends and found out school starts in 3 days!" She squeals happily "Fuck my life" I say quietly as I walk to my bedroom and shut the door...

A/N: Hi!!! Sorry it's taken me forever to update hope you liked this chapter and tell me in the comments if you like it so far or not! And it'd be amaze balls if you guys vote<3 ~Ray

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