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~5am 3 Days Later~
Here I am laying in bed not wanting to move and would rather die in a hole than go to a new high school with new snobby girls and new fuckboys....

"Beep Beep Beep" my alarm clock goes off indicating that I need to get up and get ready for the first day of school

Even though this day will be very shitty I get up and go shower, after I shower I brush my teeth and put deodorant on

Then I put my outfit on (Pic Above) I then do my hair and makeup which takes about 12-15 minutes, after all of that I grab my phone and backpack and jog down the long stair case to the kitchen to see Mia and Tyler eating cereal at the table

"Good morning!" Richard smiles trying to be nice I just nod and glare at him "Wanna ride?" He asks as he pours  coffee into his #1 Dad mug he bought for himself "I'd rather take the bus thanks" I say with no emotion "Good morning everyone ready for school today?!" My mom says cheerfully as she fakes a bright smile

"I'm out" I say as I grab my stuff and head for the door "Have a good day!" My mom says "Fuck you!" I smile as I shut the door

~Bus Ride~
I make it to the bus stop just in time and hop on and make my way to the back and sit at an empty seat

"Did you see her she looks like slut!" This girl in the seat in front of me giggles to her friend I smile lightly and hover over there seat "Hi next time you talk shit about me I will rip out your fake ass hair and shove it down your throat" I say as I fake a smile and sit back down

They decide to be quiet the rest of the ride to school

~At School~
I get off the bus and head to the office to get my schedule and locker number and combination, as I walk towards the office everyone stares at me... The way I look at it, they're staring because I'm new or because I look like I'm about to punch someone 24/7

I decide to look down and speed walk to the big wooden doors of the office. I open the door and walk up to the counter

"Hi I'm new and need my schedule and locker shit stuff" I say plainly as I put both my elbows on the counter and look at the middle aged lady with big ugly glasses

"Watch your language your a lady start acting like it" she remarks smartly like she's all that "Okay old "lady" can you do your job and get my schedule?" I ask getting more frustrated by the second

"Name?" She asks as she rolls her eyes and spins to her old ass computer on her small office chair

"Aria Martin" I state lifting my fingers and tapping them down on the hard surface one at a time making a clicking noise

"Here" she says as she hands me a piece of paper with my schedule and locker number and combination on it "Thanks" I glare at her before turning on my heel and walking out the door to my first class 'History' yay! (hint the sarcasm)

It takes me about eh 4 minutes to get to the right room, this is a big ass school so it takes a bit

I open the door and see that class has already started oops

"And what is your reason for disrupting my class?" I'm guessing Mr. Derodric asks as he turns slightly to look at me "Um I'm new this is my first class I believe" I say looking at my schedule again "Well in that case come have a seat" he says pointing towards the back of the room, I nod and take a seat I the back of the room whelp this day will be boring asf....

Thank god it's lunch I'm starving! But then again this is where there's all the stereotypes in the high school forced to be together for 2 hours or so that don't get along and will never wish me luck...

I stand in line for food and sit at an empty table everyone is still staring at me which gets annoying after awhile I mean damn no ones ever seen an outcast new girl???

"Hey you!" This jock shouts over the table across from me I ignore him and just continue to eat my food

"Baby girl don't ignore me" someone says in my ear behind me, "If you don't back the fuck up I will break your nose" I say harshly to make sure he knows I'm serious... In a matter of seconds he's back at his table full of jocks

After eating I dump my trey grab my back pack and start to walk to the exit of the cafeteria but I get stopped

"Hey slut heard you threaten my cousin on the bus today" this semi tall girl with very heavy make up and long blonde hair says as she steps in front of me with two other girls by her side

"Really now? well, she was talking shit so I put her in her place" I say shrugging my shoulders, by now there's half the cafeteria surrounding us making a circle with us 4 in the middle if this turns into a fight it won't end well....

"Excuse me?!" She ask surprised by my response, "You heard me, now I'm going to walk to my locker and get ready for class while you go touch up your caked face in the bathroom" I smirk as I slowly walk out the big doors to the hallway as I here her growl in anger and the crowd laughing and "ohh" -ing (A/N- idk how you would spell that lol) I walk to my locker and take out the heavy book in my bag and put it in my locker...

I hear the bell ring signaling class starts in 5-10 minutes and lunch is over I close my locker and swing my bag on one shoulder and start to walk but am stopped by the 3 girls from the cafeteria I guess they just couldn't help themselves.... This is going to get ugly

To Be Continued....

A/N: OMFG IM SO SO SORRY!!!!!!! I know I suck so much for not updating and I know this is kinda short but I promise next chapter will be longer :) and hopefully I'll have time to update quickly-er lol idk! I hope you like this chapter and it'd be super cool if you voted and comment if you like it so far or nah!!!!!!!!! All of you are amazing <3

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