New Friends?

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A/N: Hey guys! I know I'm doing an authors note in the beginning of a chapter but I thought you all should know if you don't really remember last chapter re-read it and then read this chapter because this chapter is continued from last chapter! Hope that made sense and sorry if this chapter is a little short I really just wanted to get something up for you guys! love you all don't forget to comment/vote if you liked this!!! <3



"What are you guys doing?" I asked looking at the 3 out of breathe boys in front of me

"What you did back there was badass!" one with short blonde hair and blue eyes says

"Thanks" I smirk "Listen I gotta get out here my uber will be here any minute" I say looking towards the door

"Do you mind if we come?" Another one asks with long ish dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive...

"Sure lets go" I say and we all run down the last few steps and outside onto the sidewalk

"Were's it at?" The last one with long brown hair and dark brown eyes, says looking up and down the street we were on

"Over there!" One of them points

We all jog over to the car across the street, we all pile into the car

"Were to?" The uber driver says

I look at the boys they all look at each other and one of them says

"2068 Jangens Ave" (random address :p)

I looked confused but the cute dirty blonde looked at me and smiled

"Don't worry it's were the Carnival is at" he giggled

I smiled "Okay fun"

After driving for a few minutes
I realized holy shit I don't know any of there names

"I'm sorry what are all of your names?" I smiled looking at all of them

"I'm Simon" the one with short blonde hair and blue eyes smiles

"Alan" the one with long brown hair and dark brown eyes waves

"And I'm Gabriel" the one with long ish dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes says smiling at me, damn he's cute

No! stop boy trouble is not what you need right now

"Nice to meet all of you I'm Aria but you can call me Ari for short" I smile waving at all of them they all smile at me

the rest of the ride was kinda quiet

I was in the middle and Alan was on my right side and Gabriel was on my left side and Simon was up front jamming out to the music the uber driver was playing

Suddenly the car comes to a stop

"We are here, 15 dollars" I go to reach for my bag but a hand stops me and Gabriel pays the driver

"Thank you but I could have payed" I smiled

"Please it's no problem someone has to pay for these fools" he laughs pointing to Simon and Alan arguing over something I can't hear

I laugh a bit to and we all get out of the car

"Thank you!" I yell to the driver before shutting the door

"Now what's next guys?" I look at them

They all look at each other and back to me and then yell

"FOOD!" I jump but laugh at there childness

"Okay okay" I laugh "let's go"

We all run towards to carnival like kids

These boys are actually really fun I don't think I've ever smiled/laughing this much in years and I'm not usually this nice Maybe it's time for a change I kinda like being nice and smiling and just doing childish things... I think these boys are changing me already and maybe it's for the better

•Just Maybe•(Gabriel Laceup)Where stories live. Discover now