A Mistake

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  I hung up, then gave back Kaori his phone. "I-I'm sorry Shan.. Kaori and I gotta go home. I need to.. do something." I grabbed Kaori's wrist and went off to find a public bus, I couldn't wait to get my brother in line.


  As we are on the bus, Kaori is already falling asleep, he's been through so much school work, and he's a good student also. I got out my phone and dialed Paige "Yello?" She answered, "Hey," I said with concern in my voice "What're you doing..?" I asked, waiting for her response "Nothing, about to go to Nova's place. Did something happen? You alright there?" I sighed and stared out the window, she knew something was up "Yeah, Keio is just.. you know.." "Why? What happened?" She was really concerned about me, she knows because I'm hardly like this.. ever. "I was just... sort of pissed at Keio, don't worry.." She paused and sighed "Cuzzie, how about I take you three to go to Nova's place with me?" I smiled, with hope filling me up again, I always counted on my cousin to make me feel better "Sure,"


  The bus finally reached the neighborhood our house was at, I woke up Kaori and we headed home. The front door was locked, as always, so I took the back door. "Oh, so you decided to come home." Said Keio right when he saw us enter the house and set down our stuff. "What happened to the Shannon plan? Backed out or--" I pushed him against the wall, startling him "Listen you ignorant brat. I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but you don't have to fucking take it out on me." Keio struggles to get away from my grip, but I pushed him again the wall tighter, so he wouldn't struggle as often "Gnh! Let me go! You stupi--" A car from outside the house starts beeping, the horn resembles Paige's car horn. I let down Keio and demanded him to get his stuff, and to get Kaori also.


  We entered Paige's car and the drive there was quiet. Once we finally arrived at Nova's place, "Well," started Paige "That was a long drive.." the four of us got out and knocked on the door, "Novaa!!" Yelled Paige, a bit impatient "Tch.. don't understand why I have to be here.." I heard under Keio's breath, I turned to him and flicked his nose "Complaining, are we~?" I smirked as I was looking down on him, all Keio did was he gave a cold stare at me, while Kaori was trying to lower down the tension. The door opened "Ah," said Anthony "Some arrived. Nova! Paige, Kika and her brothers are here!!"

  I nudged Paige, getting her attention as we were all entering the house, "Oi, that fucktard Ryan isn't gunna be here. Right?" I said a bit anoyyed, "If he is gunna be here I'll stab his eyes out." I chuckled as I took off my hoodie, "I might probably rip off his balls." Paige looked at me with disgust "Ew! You're gross." She said in a joking gesture "It may be gross but that shit hurts!" We both started to laugh, I was feeling a bit better. "But seriously," Paige continues "I will end him."


"NO! LET ME GO!" Paige kept screaming, trying to get away, but Nova and I wouldn't let her.  When Paige saw Kevin, she started going crazy. Paige tried to run out but Nova and I blocked the doorway. Paige kept screaming thing like 'let me go' or 'I want to leave' and so on. "JUST LET ME GO OUTSIDE!" Paige yells, angered. I sighed, "Just let her out." I told Nova, moving away from the door, "Finall--" Before Paige could continue, I interupted. "BUT!" I added, holding the back of Paige's shirt. "Promise me you wont leave. Outside. Only. " "Promise." With that, Paige opens the door and walks outside.

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