Dreams and the ability to get off topic

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Blank Memories for another day..
When you fall asleep, your mind drowns in a void of emptiness, well at least thats how I see it. Its almost like you have to be sedated from your thoughts, just so your brain can turn off your consciousness and return it into the depths of your past haunting thoughts. Your mind goes blank, but not even a second later, your dream starts, making you unconscious to the darkness at the beginning. Dreams are realistic, and represent your unspoken thoughts and worries as well as moments that are important to you. If its a nightmare, then its usually defined as a signal from your brain, that obviously you are upset with something in your life. The thing is, what if your dream has nothing to do with anything? What if the thing in your dream cant even represent something, what exactly does that mean? Or can you match everything to an oblivous represention or symbol?
Why do we call dreams , dreams? Am I the only one that thinks that a words name sounds foreign when repeated multiple times? How did someone even create the word 'dream' How did anyone start the word of 'word'? How did anyone realize that a dream is fake?Wouldnt it make more sense to say that it was a world of other beings?After all, everyone beleives in different things...
I always dream of stories, but when I wake up , I can never fully express the excitement I felt when I was in my dream.Words are at a loss to describe the reality that everyone defines as dreaming...And so my mind forgets the unnecassary memory of something that fails to become usefull in my supposed reality. The adventures that I go on in dreams, and all of the running and hiding with heroes in my dreams becomes irrelevant. Because ,every morning, my mind is jostled awake by the alarm that sounds the call of reality, and the abrupt stop to my dreams.Happy dreams, exciting dreams, sad dreams,horror dreams, murderous dreams, psychotic dreams, symbolized dreams, family dreams, weird, plot twist dreams and dramatic dreams.Theres a ton of dreams, and I wish I could record them all. Just so I can rewatch the dreams that I always seem to forget.

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