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Hickies.Scratches from his back and One night stands.This is how Manu's everyday routine go.He doesn't care what he does.Who he slept with.If he drinks or not.In short he doesn't care a thing in the world.

But one girl named Casey he hangs out with because of their childhood background and their families close ness.

Casey is that lucky girl whom is with friends with Manu.

Until one day..

At a party

Casey's POV

This music is too loud.I can feel my eardrums explode cause of the bass of the speakers.

If it wasn't for Manu I wouldn't be here in the first place.

I felt someone grabbed my butt.

"What the heck?" I saw a drunk dude behind me which caught some of the peoples attention.

"Well what are you gonna do about that?huh"he said making the huh a bit lower.

"What seems to be the problem here babe?" I saw Manu approach and he puts his arms around my waist.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm saving you...just go with the flow"he whispered not trying to be too noisy.

He pushed me to the wall as if he was going to kiss me.

All I can hear is our breathing and I can barely here the music now.

We stood there for a couple of seconds that felt like months.

"Well if that's the case I'm out" the drunken dude said making his way out of the party.

"Phew thanks Manu" I said to him and smiled.

"Nah ah" and he smirked

He pointed out his cheeks.

"A friendly kiss would be nice"

Fudge I knew it.

" Whoa Mr. Manu Rios for your info I am...."

Then he made those puppy eyes.

Geez why does he have to do that.


I leaned and he lowered down so I can reach him since he is taller than me.

I kissed his cheeks.

But some guy pushed me.

Making me fall on top of Manu.

We were staring at each other.Waiting for someone to make the first move.

I can see his adams apple move and feel his bird in his cage.

Damn and that made me turned on making me feel hot.

I bit my lip so I won't release any moan from my mouth.

But that made him raised his head and kissed me.

For a moment I don't know what to do but my lips has a mind of its own.

We were making out on the floor while there is a party.

Pulling his hair while kissing him is quite nice that's why he has many gf's.

Oh fuck I forgot he's a freaking playboy.

I pulled out and stood up like nothing happened to us.

"Here" handing me a napkin.

"What am I gonna do with that?"

"Look at your lips babe" I punched him.

"Don't you call me babe"

"Ok baby"

"Eww...just give me the napkin"

" you're a good kisser by the way"

"That was just a friendly kiss" I said quickly.

"And we're just friends,I know" Manu said like he was imitating me.

"With Benefits" he winked at me and went in the crowd again.


A/N: I know shitty chapter but that's just the beginning everything will make sense when I get to the middle of the story.

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