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Oh my gawd the reads are already getting high.Sorry if the Chapter 1 of this story took too long.Just busy cause of school.

My sched is kind of free so here goes.


Casey's POV

Today is the most embarrassing day of my life argh.

It's summer and I can't even feel it.

Let me tell you why.

It happened just this morning cause I was searching for a job.


"Dad I'm gonna go outside I might get home before lunch!" I yelled.

"Okay keep safe!" he yelled back

I decided to bring my bike since it's morning.

To be honest my dad doesn't know that I'm searching for a job.I just don't wanna make him feel bad.Since my mom left us in this tragic world.

So here I am at an ice cream shop and guess what...its my lucky day cause there's a vacant job.

*bell rings*

..Its a sign that someone just went inside..

So everyones staring at me and I look like I just literally woke up.Well I am.

"Morning" I said like an innocent kid

And smiled at them expecting I would get back too but they just went back eating.

Fast forward>>

Minutes past and I got a job just like that.

So anyway let's get back to my flashback.

"Hey miss!" Some guy just called me and he looks a bit upset.

"Me?"I pointed to myself.

"OF COURSE" Take note that his eyes were about to go out.

"Okay so what is it?"

"Where's my fucking ice cream?!I've been waiting for that like 15 minutes!"

"Oh haha sor..." This is my first day on the job and I don't know what to do.

"JUST GO AND GET MY ICE CREAM!"he said looking me in the eyes

Argh this guy is getitng on my nerves even though I don't know a thing his talking about.

I just went to the counter and fetch his ice cream.


Put the ice cream...

..on his jeans..

"Fu...ck w...what's tha...that!!??" He said shivering.

Haha that suits his personality.

"Dad!!!" He whines like a little child.

"Wrong move Casey" my conscience whispered to me.

I saw a man come out.

And guess who?

He's my boss -_-

"What's the problem now Dylan" Mr. 'O Brien said.

"Fuck so that's Dylan the owners arrogant son" I whispered but it seems that they heard it.

The two good looking man looked at me...well they really do look good.
They looked at me like I said something wrong especially Dylan .

Weird but Mr. O Brien whispered something in Dylan's ears and went back to his little office.

"So I look good?" He looked me with his gorgeous eyes.


Please be single

Please be single

Please be single

I didn't manage to say any words.

He just chuckles.

"Haha funny"

He looked serious for a moment.

He grabbed my hand and said these words...

"Have you brush your teeth this morning?"

Oh so that's why when I said morning no one smiled at me...argh this is so embarrasing!

*beep beep*

"I got to go tell your dad thank you for the job"

"Yeah yeah" handing me a gum

I was about to speak when he said

"That's mint" and he turned away.

*End of flashback*

Argh why did I even forgot to brush my teeth.


Yoooo I'm so sorry if I update slow hope you guys understand.

Love you xoxo

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