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I don't know why people even read this even though I update slow (literally) anyways I had the time in making this chapter sorry for the suppa late update I also had helped with my friends so this chapter is a bit mixed up lol.

Since our house is locked cause I forgot to bring the key argh and my dad is at my brother's baseball game.(I know on a saturday or sunday ,I don't even know what's the day lol)

So yeah that's why I planned to go to Manu's and brush my teeth.

Argh ealier was embarrassing as hell.
Why in the world did I forgot to brush my teeth.

As soon as I opened the door I
heard a weird unfamiliar kind of noise down stairs.

I think there's a puss in the kitchen.


Hmm never mind

I headed to Manu's cr in his room up stairs cause I can feel that this gum won't last any longer.

We're best friends so I have my own tooth brush at his place.

The moment I saw my tooth brush I held it and put some tooth paste.

PLAY THE SONG ABOVE (recommended)

I have a pen

I have a apple

"UGH" I heard something fell down downstairs

Apple pen

In curiosity of that I decided to go downstairs.

I have a pen

I have pineapple


Again I heard something.So I headed downstairs and saw the most inappropriate thing in my life.

Pineapple pen

Apple pen

Pineapple pen


Pen pineapple apple pen

And there's a puss after all.A different one. (Insert laugh lol,I know I'm not great at making jokes)

I just caught Mr. Manu Rios with his company who's been having a really good time by the fact she's saying weird thing's and doing unnecessary stuffs.

You get my point

The toothpaste that's been circulating inside my mouth is spilling right now seeing HIM with another girl?

"Give it to me ugh" the puss said

I mean the girl.

Me trying to avoid any sight from Manu but he just saw me cause he opened his eyes.

Oh shit.

Manu's POV

"Give it to me" then she moaned and scratches my back.


I looked her in the eyes and saw the hunger inside it.

Slow down guys.

Chill we're not having sex.

Umm we're just experimenting with each others body.

Picture this me

A hot girl

on a kitchen counter top.


She's pulling my hair and tasting my mouth at the same time.

Wait who's this girl again?

I pulled out and was shocked seeing another face.

What the hell is Casey doing at my place at this particular time.


Her mouth went bursting because of being shocked and the hot girl I'm with is stumbled on the floor(ouch that must have hurt).

She turned around quickly "Um..hmm..um brushing my teeth"

"For fucks sake at this time?!"

Casey just nodded.

"Hello I'm still down here" the hot girl trying to get my attention.

"Just stand up you have your feet"

She stood up and slapped me out of no where.


"Fuckboi." She tries to leave but I grabbed her arm

"Come on we were having fun" I said holding her hand.

"Fuck off dude I had enough of you" I was shocked when I heard a males voice saying those words

:0 my reaction

"Yep I'm trans so get over it" then she uhmm excuse me then he went outside the door and slammed it hard.

:0 still my reaction


"Casey!!!" she ran upstairs

So I ran after her.

Just like old times when Casey and I were kids.

At last I saw her *evil grin*

"Ready your not here I come"

"Your too slow to even catch me lazy pants"she laughs but she laughs too hard making an advantage for me tickling her to the floor.

"Hahaha stop it Manuuuu...hahaha" I think Casey's gonna die because of me for tickling her.

"Eww stop it put some shirt on first"

Oh yeah sorry I forgot.

"Haha sorry Cass"

"Here you go" handing me a shirt awe

"By the way Manu I just got a new job from the ice cream shop" Cass while scatching her neck

"I'm craving for ice cream Cass let's go there right now and treat me some ice cream" I pleaded Cass since ice cream is my favourite food on earth

"Right now?"

I was about to open my mouth

"Come on but it's not my treat since you insisted going there" she quickly dragged me outside


At the Ice Cream shop

"It's full Cass maybe next time"

"Argh okay just drive me home Manu cause I'm tired from dragging you here"

"Well its not my fault"

"Ok ok just let's go back to your house and drive me home"

I gave Cass a lift behind my back with her arms around my neck.

After a few mins of carrying this girl I place her at the passengers seat of my car and drove her home.

Shit her dad must be worried right now and I'm hella correct.

"Where have Cass been?" Her dad crossed arm

"Umm she told me that she.."

"I brushed my teeth at Manu's dad nothing to worry about" she just awakes out of no where.

"Oh okay thank you Manu for driving Cass home you're such a good friend drive home safe boy"

"Haha thanks sir I will"


I waved back.

Well this is a great way to spend the day no beers,no video games,no se..(oops) my bad better luck next time.

Why are you still doing here?Go now and fetch yourself some ice cream you deserve it.

Need someone to talk to?I'm here


Take care xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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