Everyone teased, bullied, asked me personal information and excluded me. People were never nice to me or any of MY friends but nice to everyone else's friends. Back then I was a shy kid and never knew how to stand up for myself but I knew I could stand up for my friends. I always wondered " If I could stand up for my friends then why can't I stand up for myself?", I say to myself "What if I'll never be able to do anything at all on my own?!" These days things have changed, it got worse and worse until a day when I stepped in with my friends by my side but I still couldn't do it because I haven't changed. I try my best to do what I want to do and never give up and one day I wanted to COMMIT SUICIDE I know why but I'm not going to tell that story it's a long story. I want a smile on my face all the time but it's not always there I guess not everything comes true but that's just life. The only time I smile is when I'm with my really close friends it doesn't matter who it is because they all make me laugh and they should know how they are. I wish that they know how I feel I'm because they try to make me laugh but it's something that really, really makes me up set like people coming up to me asking if I like this boy :(. Well at that time I did well then I don't two weeks after that happened. This is when I need my friends with me, my friends are my everything, I can't live without any of them. Sometimes I remember things that I personally don't want to remember. I'm "always happy", I'm always trying to be positive about EVERYTHING but I'm not cause that's just how life works. If you want something you have to earn it yourself, don't expect other people to do it for you because they're not YOUR servant.
One question that YOU MUST ANSWER IN THE COMMENT SECTION: What would you do if I die young???