Chapter 3

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Mason almost couldn't stand it. He almost jumped from his hiding spot to help Caroline, but that wouldn't have helped her. He had to stay calm and only come out of hiding when she was in real trouble. He watched as the dragon took to the air with Bernard and Richie and Caroline. He hesitated a minute, then turned to the cedar that he had been hiding in.

"Excuse me." he whispered as he carefully dropped from the branches.

A second later a slender female slipped out of the bark.

"What do you need?" she asked sardonically.

"Could you send a message for me?" he asked, "Ma’am." he added respectfully.

"To whom?"

"Silvia, over in the Huckleberry Estates. She's presently in the backyard of house number 1019."

"Of course. And what would you like me to say?" she haughtily pulled out a notebook.

"Uh, just say 'Caroline's in trouble. I'm following her, but I'll need backup.' Is that alright ma'am?" he asked uncertainly.

"That is satisfactory. It will be delivered. Now, mind you keep out of my branches from now on." she added, as she began to melt back into the tree.

"Yes ma'am, my apologies. I'll make sure to do that." Mason said, backing away cautiously.

He got into the clearing and rubbed his temple thoughtfully. Then he leapt into the air and instantly became a falcon. He flew straight up and easily spotted the threesome on their dragon. He lazily soared above them, vigilantly keeping them in his sight. As he watched them he noticed that Richie had his arms tightly wrapped around Caroline. Envy crept into Mason's mind, but he pushed it aside. He would never touch Caroline, much less wrap his arms around her, but he could tell that she was appalled at Richie and that made his beak twitch in as much a smile as a bird could produce.

They flew slowly at first, and then they began to pick up speed. Mason had to start actually flying instead of coasting on the wind to keep up with them. He had forgotten how fast dragons could fly. He swooped to keep up, but gradually fell further and further behind. He couldn't seem to stay up with them, so he swooped down one more time and imagined himself as a tiny dragon. Small dragons are always faster than large ones. As always he instantly transformed and picked up speed.

"We're being followed." Bernard whispered.

"By who?" Richie asked.

"Little dragon. Look." He hissed.

They all looked down. There, about ten, twenty feet back a little green dragon zipped about snatching up little mosquitoes.

"Why would a little dragon be following us?" Richie asked.

"Can't you tell? It's a changeling." Bernard said with a nod.

"Mason?" Richie hissed.

"No." Bernard said clearly, and casually, yet, almost imperceptibly, he nodded his head.

"Mason Harvey?" Caroline guessed, "Mason is a what?"

"Never mind." Richie mumbled, "It’s not him."

"Let go of me." Caroline tried again, for the twelfth time, this time shoving at the arms around her.

"Caroline, cut it out." Richie murmured distractedly.

"No," she grunted.

"Caroline." he warned.

She could hear danger in his voice, but she ignored it, "No, let go of me." she demanded.

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