It's A Lie Part 1 - General Hux

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You had been training under General Hux for almost three weeks at this point, when you first started you thought it was going to be a train wreck. Everyone you had met leading up to your first encounter with Hux made you believe he didn't care about anything but his power, and how he could do better. You found after the first few days with him that this was untrue, yes Hux does like his power, and where he stands ahead of most everyone. But it wasn't hard to notice that really what he truly craved was organization, he wanted everything in working order, he wants his men and women trained well, and mostly he wants nothing to get in the way of his organization.

No one understood how you were so calm around him, even when he was losing his temper on someone. The answer was simple: he only gets mad when people get in his way of keeping things moving. If people were more careful at their jobs, chances are General Hux wouldn't be so angry all the time.

You noticed throughout the past few days that Hux hadn't been eating, or drinking anything all day. He would go almost a full twenty-four hours before he remembered to drink something, let alone eat. It had baffled everyone that you had been friends with for years that you were skipping lunch with them today, and bringing food to Hux who hadn't eaten in far too long. "Hux is a big boy (Y/N), he can feed himself." Officer Lasek laughed, as you walked past him with for for Hux to eat.

"I'm aware of that Lasek. But he works a hell of a lot harder than anyone else here, so I'm bringing him food to remind him that he does still require food." You rolled your eyes, walking past the table and making your way to General Hux's office. It was on the other side of the ship, but it wouldn't be the first time you've walked from the canteen to his office.

You opened the door, and saw Hux looking from the holo pad and back to a piece of paper in front of him quickly. "Sir?" You question after a few second of observing. He looked up to you angrily for a second before his face changed to completely neutral expression. "Yes (L/N)?" He looks back to the holo pad, shaking his head slightly in discontent with something on the screen.

"You should eat." You state, stepping closer to him, setting the food down that you'd grabbed for him, as well as a canteen of water. He glanced at the food you'd set down, and up to you curiously. "What do you want?" He groans, throwing his head back in exasperation.

You raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of what he was talking abut. "Sir?" You ask, watching his expression grow bored while looking at you. "What. Do. You. Want?" He repeats, angrily standing up and walking past you to the other side of the office. "You hadn't eaten in a while, I figured you should eat?" You continue to watch him walk around the room. He stopped for half a second as you finished, but you could barely tell by how fast he had continued going.

"Why would you be worried about when I eat?" He asks incredulously, finally moving back to his dest to sit down. "Because I've noticed you'll go a full day before realizing that you haven't had anything to eat or drink. It's not healthy, and I just figured I'd bring you something." You give him a quick smile, and leave his office directly after.

Hux sat in his chair staring at the door, trying to understand what had just happened. She couldn't have actually been worried. He thinks to himself, She just doesn't want to deal with you if you went too long without eating. Yeah, that's it. Hux turns his nose up at what you'd set in front of him, and pushes it away from him. While he continues to focus on the defects of the new system he's working on, he finds himself thirsty beyond belief. It's here anyway, she meant for you to drink it. He sighs, almost like he'd been defeated in an argument and grabs the canteen and drinking the whole thing in a matter of seconds.

You returned to Hux's office no more than twenty minutes later, after checking to see that everything Hux needed for his meting that was a mere fifteen minutes after your break ended. As you entered the room about to hand the files to Hux, you saw his head hung and him rubbing his temples. "Are you alright, General? Do you need me to get you something?" You ask, putting the files by the door so he'll remember.

His head shot up, looking you over curiously. "Why do you do that?" He asks, standing up and crossing his arms over his chest. "Do what, sir?" You cock your head to the side slightly, trying to figure out what he was talking about now. His eyes land behind you, and on the files you'd set down "You grabbed those files for me, while you were on a break. You don't have to work during breaks (Y/N)." You are slightly shocked at him using your given name, not your last name. Head never done that before. You turn your head and look at the files then back to Hux "I knew you needed them for the meeting, I just figured that I would grab them for you that way you didn't worry about grabbing them." You shrug, not understanding his change in behavior.

"Why though? Why would you care what I worry about, or how frequently I eat?" He snapped, making you take a step back in shock. He continued to glare at you like you had done something wrong, but you still couldn't figure out why caring about him was a bad thing. "Because part of working under you is making your job easier. Getting files for you is— at least I thought helping you." You weren't really sure how to react to his outburst, so you continued to stay a few steps away from him. Not in fear that he would hurt you, but that you just didn't want to be closer than you had to be at the moment.

He narrowed his eyes at you, in attempt to figure out what you really wanted. "Then explain the food." He demands, pointing to the remains of the food you'd left for him. "I was worried about your lack of eating. Did I do something wrong? If I did, I'm sorry General." You start to feel bad, unsure of what you had done to make him angry with you. He was find before you'd come to his office during lunch. "Was it because I came in here while you were working?"

He give you the most astonished look before shaking his head at you. "No? I-" He groans, frustrated with his lack of words. "I just yelled at you, for being kind to me. And you question if you had done something wrong?" He watches you completely amazed that you hadn't gotten angry with him for mistreating you.

"Well, you were angry with me. That would lead me to believe you were," You pause looking around not understanding the situation at all "angry with me." He only shakes his head at you, and looks away. "No. Well, I was." He stops himself, wondering if he should somehow apologize for how he acted. "You may have the remainder of the day off. But I expect you to be here on time tomorrow morning." He clears his throat, and turns his back to you. "Um, thank you. Thank you General." You mumble turning around and walking to the door.

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