Don't Forget Me - Part 2 - Kylo Ren

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"Ben.." In all honesty, if it wasn't for Poe you would have caved the second he asked. "I- I can't. I need to get Poe home safely." His hands dropped from your cheeks instantly, and he took a step back from you. You felt a sting of heartbreak run through you at the way he is now looking at you, it's not the same man who was just holding you. This man is looking at you with disgust, anger, and hatred? This man, this is Kylo Ren. Not your Ben.

"Get back." He demanded, all softness in his voice was long gone, his anger was clearly written across his face as he pointed to the metal contraption behind you. "Ben.." You blinked several times, ridding your eyes of the tears. "NOW!" He yelled, scaring you more than he ever had. You moved back and placed your arms and legs to where he needed them to be, before he locked you back in. "Please, don't do this." You begged, lip trembling as you watched him walk away from you.

"I'm too busy for this (Y/N). I have a prisoner I need to take care of. Coming here was a waste of your time." His helmet was already on, you could tell by the change in his voice. Without another word you heard the door slide open and shut again right after.

Kylo stormed through the halls of the Finalizer going to Poe's interrogation room. Kylo's fists were clung to his side, getting tighter at the thought of Poe being anything to you, let alone your best friend. Kylo finally made his way to Poe's room, and walked in standing directly in front of Poe. "Tell me everything you know."

Poe glared up at him, between being choked -almost to death- with the force, his mind invaded for much longer than Poe could actually stand, and the tight grip the restraints had, Poe's energy was all but gone. He wouldn't be able to handle it if Kylo Ren forced his way inside his mind again. He sighed in defeat "About what?"

"So you Resistance members are capable of listening. Good." Kylo hissed. "About her. You seem to know her well, I want to know everything." Poe took a moment to remember Kylo Ren seeing you in his thoughts, and memories earlier. "No. I will not tell you a single thing about her." It was obvious he would be subjected to even more physical, and mental pain for not giving an answer, but Poe refused to let Kylo Ren know a single thing about you.

"So be it." Poe's head flew back, hitting the metal while Kylo pulled at every bit of information Poe knows about you.

The day you an Poe had first become friends wasn't exactly a normal interaction, especially for two who became best friends after. He was the first person to really understand why you hadn't moved on like Leia had. "(L/N)! There was an emergency, they need you right away!" Poe called, looking around the back of the medical bay for you. No one had seen you in a few hours, but they needed the extra help, quickly. "(L/N)!" He called again, hearing a soft cry from your office.

He opened the door, expecting to see you, but you were no where to be seen. "Come on (L/N)!" He shouted, then hearing another sob. Sighing Poe walked closer to your desk and crouched down, seeing you in a ball crying into your knees under the it. "(L/N)?"

"I can't." Your shaking voice whispers while to attempt to pull yourself together. "I'm so sorry." You cry, still not looking at Poe. Realizing what this was about, Poe pulled you out from under the desk and helped you stand. "Come on, (Y/N). Let's get you home." You attempted to thank him, but it was no use, your voice was too shaky. "Don't thank me. It's been a year, everyone will understand." You nodded, biting you lip blinking rapidly to rid you eyes of their tears.

"Ben wouldn't want you crying, right? So just breathe, kay?" There were only a few steps left until you'd be in your room, Poe rubbed your back soothingly trying to get you to calm at least slightly. That entire night Poe stayed with you, calming you down when a new wave of tears came on. No one had seen you in such a position before, other than Ben and that thought killed you even more. You didn't want to replace Ben, you couldn't.

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