Strangeness and Charm

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     HOLY CRAP GUISE 2 reads so many Tell your friends to tell their friends to tell their pet cat. Goal is 100 because why not. Enjoy this chapter and roll in it <3))

     I woke up. Everything was slightly blurry, white. A blurry white. I felt like I couldn't breathe. No matter how much air I took in it wasn't helping the drowning feeling I had. No air could. I was then placed on the bottom of the ocean. I was dreaming, right?

        I wasn't dreaming. I was halfway to the bottom of a lake because of the shallowness, not an ocean. But still. Wait what. No no, it wasn't even a lake. It was a bathtub. I was being held underwater. All I did was what I could. I thrashed about and I hit several things. I heard a slurred laugh from under the water as I was dragged by my hair out of this strange bathroom. I couldn't scream through gurgling out water that I breathed in. I wished I could know where I was... I just- I just wanted to be in my bed. The grip on my hair was awfully tight then was suddenly released when I heard a thud.                                                          

"Don't lead her around like that."                                                      

 "I do what I please, don't order me around, masked pest."          

 It was Jeff and Jack. What a surprise.                                            

"She's blind, not a ragdoll, white-faced prick."                              

  I couldn't take it.                                                                              

       "I don't need defending." I said, intending for it to be the coldest and iciest words that dare slip from my mouth.I felt someone grab me by the wrist and pull me up. Then another hand on my other wrist as I was then pinned on a wall. I felt my lips curl into what was a smile. I kicked out intending for it to be a stomach but this person was smart, and placed themselves to the side, not infront of me.                                                                                            

      "Tsk tsk tsk, bad, bad girl." I heard Jeff say, which made it obvious he was the one holding me at bay."Let me go, or you'll suffer." Someone laughed. "Suffer what now? Your wrath ?" It sounded like the man named Ben. The hands binding me to the wall were loosened as I kicked again, this time hitting something. "Ow- You little-"I laughed,"Did that hurt?"I asked sarcastically, a smat-alecky tone to my voice. The hands were then gone from my wrist as I made for nothing. I of course was grabbed and slammed on the ground. Every single molecule of oxygen was deprived from my lungs as I struggled to breathe. Someone sat on top of me and held my hands back.                                                  "You'll learn to regret your foolish choices, child." Jeff said, the grin on my face became wider, as I said something I'd soon regret. "My choices are way more intellegent than anything you have ever done, it's quite funny actually.Oh and, hey Jeffery how's your little girlfriend Jane doing?" Yeah I kinda knew a whole bunch about them, seeing they were Creepypastas... My friend Julie would read them to me, and told me that supposedly, Jeff had something going with Jane until he learned to despise her very existence. But wait these people were Creepypastas, and they existed? I mean, there was BEN DROWNED, Jeff The Killer,Eyeless...Jack. And the static, Slenderman? And the dog must've been Smile, Smile dog. A smile on a dog, seems ridiculously creepy. I felt the hand around my wrists tighten until I was certain if he tightened them any more he'd shatter the bones. The smug smile still kept on my face as I felt the weight on my waist completely gone. I just sighed and curled up. How could I get home? I couldn't run away... I couldn't call for help. I'm so trapped wherever they took me. But wait. Eyeless Jack... "Jack?" I asked feeling around the came upon a leathery and round shoe, which turned out to be a boot. The foot was moved away. "How did you know about Jane?" I just grunted, "I do my research, Jack, anyways you need to answer my question now. They call you Eyeless Jack, how can you even see?" I heard a snort. "I have eyes, It's just how dark the eyeholes of my mask is, which apparently makes me eyeless." I sighed."I was hoping you could teach me how to see again."                                          


     "Only Slenderman would be capable of doing that..." some girl with a high-pitched voice said. "Sally don't give her...ideas." Jeff said.I felt the anger boil up in me. "I'm going to this Slenderman. I need to see again, even if just for thirty seconds." I growled, climbing to my feet and stumbling around. I felt a knob and before I turned it and someone's hand fell over mine. "If you open that door you'll be dead." said Jack. "How so?" I asked hotly, my temper getting the best of me. "That's not the outdoors, Smile is in there." I just laughed."So what, a dog's not going to harm me." I felt Jack's fingers slip between mine and pull it from the doorknob. "He'll do more than harm you, he'll make you suffer. By the way he's a human eating demon dog with a look so mesmerizing and frightening the image of him will burn itself into your head." I mentally face palmed myself. "I'm blind, I can't see him. And I don't care, I like dogs." I really didn't want to be eaten, but this dog was my only source to comfort, because I really like animals. Well, they're preferred over killers.I opened the door and I heard the clicking of a dogs nails on the wood floor. I heard a low and gurgly growl come from the dog and it was obviously directed at me. I took a deep breath and I followed the sound of the growling. I felt the growling sweep to my right, so I crouched low with my hands on the ground, similar to a position of a frog. The growling circled me and then the creature leaped at me, tumbling me over on my back as the thing loomed over me, it's legs on either side. But what was keeping it at bay was my hands on his rather large neck, very large for even a huge dog, example, a Mastiff. But with thick straight fur, smooth as silk, but with a slight roughness to it. I'm suprised it hasn't broken through my grip. I just kept my hands on it as I moved from under it. I felt so calm, so focused as I guided it's neck and head to rest on my left shoulder. It's growling stopped as I stroked through it's fur.                                                            

  "See?" I cooed to the dog,"Not so bad."                                        

 I felt a weird silence fall in the room.                                              

 "What?" I asked awkwardly, hoping for an answer.                        

 "What are you, Ceasar Milan?" Jeff said, jokingly of course.        

 "No I just have a thing for animals."                                                  

"Really now? Because Smile is everything but an 'animal'."        

 "Oh really?"                                                                                        


       I just laughed as I realized I was still petting through the dog's fur comfortably. The silence still fell over the room as I just shrugged. I was surrounded by killers, and was petting one that ate people like me. Yet I was acting as if I was surrounded by friends. What's wrong with me?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2013 ⏰

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