Chapter 1

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(Authors Note: Hey guys! If you didn't read the description, Marinette and Adrien knew each other when they were kids. So it's different. Okay! Now carry on!)

Adrien's P.O.V.

I'M SO EXCITED! Let me explain. Okay, so I recently just married to the amazing, one and only, Marinette! And guess what? We're going to live together! Just us! EEK! I guess Nino was right... Maybe I do squeal... (And we do know each other's old superhero's identities. So I know she was Ladybug.)

"Adrien? Hello?" 

I zoom out of daydream land. I give her my signature Chat smirk. "Hello, purr-incess."

She rolls her eyes. "You and your cat puns! Anyways, we need to unpack! There's just so much to do! You can't just sit there! C'mon!" 

"Yes ma'am~!" I salute and start helping her unpack. 

She giggles and starts singing the song we always sang when we were kids. I smile softly and sing along to our song. As we proceed singing our song, we hear a knock. Who could it be? I open the door to find an old man with a Hawaiian T-shirt. "Master Fu!" 

He chuckles and smiles. "I see, my ship has sailed!" 

Marinette comes, confused. "Your what?"

I sigh. "His ship. Ya know, the thing Alya is always talking about?" She still looks puzzled. I can't believe I'm gonna say this. "Adrienette..."

Master Fu laughs. "Me and this, Alya have to talk about Adrienette. I knew it from the start. The perfect match." He sighs dreamily. Master Fu! I roll my eyes. "Well are you going to let me in or what?" He asks impatiently. 

"Oh! I totally forgot! I'm so sorry! Uh... Here! Please come in! My bad!" Marinette nervously says. That girl and being nervous. 

Master Fu nods a "Thank you" and sits on one of the chairs we've already put out. He looks at us with a serious face. "I came here for an important reason. You know how you recently gave up your miraculous's?" We both nod. "Well now that we don't have a Chat Noir or a Ladybug, I was going to ask if you could help me find a new one. 

"Me and Adrien are only 25. We could continue the job." True.

Master Fu shakes his head. "No, you two are now married. You will soon have family. Too much work. So back to the point, will you keep your eyes peeled for a new Ladybug and Chat?"

"Sure. No problem. Is that all?" I answer. 

He nods. "I also wanted to see how my favorite ship was doing!" This time, me and Marinette roll our eyes. "Thank you for your hospitality." 

Marinette smiles kindly. "Our pleasure." Master Fu nods and leaves. 

One year later :)

Marinette's P.O.V. 





"SHE'S OUT!" I relax a bit. Then I freak out. A. BABY. JUST. CAME. OUT. OF. ME. While I'm doing that, Adrien comes over with something. He smiles. 

"ADRIEN! HOW CAN YOU SMILE WHEN YOUR WIFE IS IN SO MUCH PAIN?!" He comes closer, and I realize that he's holding the baby. Our baby. He put her in my arms and then I finally fully relax. What just came out of me is beautiful. The girl has blond hair and blue eyes. The wonderful result of me and Adrien. 

I look up at Adrien while smiling a huge smile. "She's so beautiful." 

He gives me the same smile and nods. "Just like you, Mari." He's so sweet! Before I know it, we're taking little Raine (That's what we've decided to name her) home. Ahh~ Home! Home sweet home! 

(Note: I'm gonna time skip again 'cause I wanna. Don't Judge)

Five Years Later :)

Adrien's P.O.V. 

I was playing with Rai when Marinette brings Master Fu in. Rai is four now, and she immediately recognizes Master Fu. "Grandpa Fu!" She yells in the cutest voice ever. 

He laughs and hugs her. "Hello Rai! How have you been?"


Marinette smiles. "Did you miss Grandpa Fu?" She quickly nods. 

"Hey, Master Fu!" I say.

"I have some very good news!" Master Fu responds. We all sit at the table and chat. "Well, I have found new miraculous holders! Isn't that great?" The room's quiet. Honestly, six years ago, when we were talking about this, I never really like the idea of a "new" Ladybug and Chat Noir. It just feels weird. 

Marinette speaks up. "T-that's great! Who are they?" 

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