Chapter 2

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Master Fu's P.O.V. 

"I chose Angelina." 

They look at me with their jaws practically touching the floor. "Y-you mean A-Angelina as in Chloe Bourgeois's daughter?!" Marinette asks. 

"Why of course. She's such a kind girl." I say, casually.

 Rai looks at all of us and is confused. "I know Angelina! Angelina's my best friend!" That did it. 

Marinette looks at us with big eyes and falls. "Y-your k-kidding, right, sweetie?" Rai shakes her head and Marinette says she'll be right back. 

"Mari hates Chloe." Oh. That makes a lot of sense then. 

After about ten minutes, Marinette comes back out. "W-wait. Angelina can't possibly be the new Ladybug! She's too young! Right?!" 

I look at her, confused. "...Angelina's 10. Chloe gave birth when she was really young."

"Angelina visits school and watches us sometimes. She's very nice." She is very nice...In fact, nothing like Chloe.


Marinette's P.O.V.

That's still too young! Right?! Not Chloe's daughter! *Mental Face palm* WHY! WHY! WHY! 

Master Fu looks at me and laughs like a maniac. "AHHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was a joke! Of course not! But I really have chosen a new Ladybug and Chat Noir. This nice girl I met at a cafe and her best friends brother. Weird relationship, but they seemed like a fit for the job." I calm down.

"You just chose them 'cause they looked cute, didn't you?" Adrien says.

"Eheheheh! Noooo!" Classic Master Fu. I bet his room is filled with "LadyNoir" and "Adrienette" posters... We chat about other things for about two hours. Rai is currently bored out of her mind.

Master Fu's alarm rings and he gets up. "Oh. I better be going. Time to pick up my new Adrienet- TIME TO NOT PICK UP ADRIENETTE POSTERS! EHEHEHEH! I GOT TO GO! BYE!" With that, he's out the door. What a weird man. I start walking over to sit on the couch and luckily, I realize Rai's on there, sleeping. Close one. I could've sat on her. 

"Hold it! I saw that! You almost sat on poor Rai!" Says Adrien. *Rolls eyes*

"Oh, Shut up!" I shoot back. 

"*Gasp* Using language in front of our daughter? You naughty, naughty, mom!" 

"THAT'S IT! COME HERE! YOU'RE DEAD!" I chase him around the house until we get all the way to our backyard. I pant. He laughs. 

"FOR THE LAST TIME, CAN YOU GUYS KEEP IT DOWN?!" Our unfriendly neighbor, Mr. Rooster yells. We frown and look at him and he mutters "old couples". He's single. Explains a lot. 

The back yard door opens and Rai comes out. "Daddy! Are you making Mamma angry, again?" 

"Yes! He was! Get him Rai!" Adrien acts scared and runs around while Rai tries to get his shirt to tackle him. I smile at the adorable scene and go back in. I realize that my phone has been ringing. I go and pick it up. "Hello?"

A loud, impatient voice answers. "FINALLY, GIRL! I've been waiting!"

"Alya, chill! I was hanging out with family. Speaking of family, how's yours?" Alya is now married and has two kids with Nino. 

"Oh, we're fi-NINO! STOP ENCOURAGING ZACK TO DO THAT! EWW! NINO! Sorry... Nino was shoving whipped cream in his mouth and let Zack do it too. Why did I marry him?! Anyways, how's your life?"

"Fine, actually. Rai's doing good and misses Zack. She wants another play date. And Adrien's the same. Why'd you call me, again?"

"Just to see how you were doing. UGH! NOW ALEXIS IS DOING IT! NINO! STOP IT! *Sigh*"

I laugh. "I think you have some...things to take care of. Call me later?"

"Yeah. See you! Oh, and tell Rai that Zack will meet her soon. Bye!"

"Bye!" As I end the call, Adrien and Rai come in. "Did you get Daddy?" I ask in a playful voice while bending down to be at her height. She proudly nods. She yawns and I look at the clock. 9:00?! "Rai, it's past your bedtime! Adrien! Why didn't you bring her in earlier?!" 

He smirks. "Because I was too busy thinking of your pretty face." 

"You flirt! Sometimes I'm worried you flirt with other people." I joke. 

Raine tugs at my shirt. "Mamma! I'm tired... I wanna sleep..." She says sleepily. I carry her in my arm and take her up while Adrien follows. 

Once she's in bed and all tucked in, me and Adrien sit on our couch. "You and Alya called?"

I nod. "Yeah. She's trying to get the kids to stop listening to Nino though..." I laugh at the thought. 

"Let me guess. She was trying to stop Nino from getting the kids to shove whipped cream in their mouth, right?" I nod again. "Same o' Nino." He says with a sigh. "D-do you I dunno, think the new Ladybug and Chat Noir will be...good?" He questions.

"Not as awesome as us! We're an unstoppable team, remember?" I say, jokingly. He laughs. "It's kinda stuffy in here. I'm gonna open a window." As I sit back down, I'm greeted by an awkward silence. 

"So...How's Alya?" 



Wow. Umm. This is really awkward. "You umm wanna watch a movie?" 

"...Sure." We end up watching "Frozen"... The only movie we have. Rai's favorite movie...But it was fun! Adrien sang all the songs and I just laughed at him the whole time.

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