Chapter 3

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Adrien's P.O.V.

In the midst of me screaming/singing "Let it go", my voice got really sore. So here I am, drinking nasty tasting tea to help my voice. "I don't wan't to drink this evil potion!"

Her eyebrows knit together. "You need to! Now stop acting like a pathetic baby and DRINK IT!" Yikes. Scary. I sip the tea, trying hard not to make a face. She turns back into the happy Marinette and sits down. "Good, Kitty. Drink it all up." She then playfully scratches the back of my ear. Suddenly, Marnette's phone loudly rings. "Hello? CHLOE?! O-oh, okay. I'll call them. July 4th? Okay. Bye." Chloe? Why would she call- "Chloe called to demand me a cake for Angelina's birthday this Friday from the bakery. I'm going to call my parents tomorrow to make the cake. I'm really surprised Chloe even wanted a cake from us."

I nod. "That is a bit strange... Yawn

"Looks like there's a sleepy kitty around! C'mon! We don't want a grumpy kitty at the breakfast table tomorrow!" 

"You know me too well, Princess." She rolls her eyes, as usual, and drags me up the stairs to the bed. 

*Time Skip*

I feel arms shaking me to wake up. "Mari, 5 more minutes..." I mumble. 

"We all know that turns into 10 hours! Get up! Now!" 

I smirk. "What's the magic action?" I say, still keeping my eyes closed.

"Alright, only this one time..." 

I pucker my lips up, only to feel a pillow hitting my face. "OW! MARI!!!! NO FAIR!!" I whine. 

She laughs and drags me down the stairs for breakfast. She smiles a huge smile as the whole family sits down. "Good morning, everyone! I have good news! And three of them! First of all, Rai, you're going to meet Zack today!" A big "Whoo hoo!" is heard from Rai. "Second of all, Grandpa and Grandma Agreste are visiting tomorrow along with my Dad and Mom. Now the biggest news of all," She looks like she's about to explode out of happiness. "I'M PREGNANT!" 

Rai shrieks and goes to her room to "set up for her new sibling" while I run up to her and carry her. "I'm so happy! I can't wait! EEK!" 

She pats my arm and tells me the stop shrieking because I sound like Alya. 

Then at about 12:00, we headed over to Alya's. "Well if it isn't the cutest couple in the world. ZACK! RAI'S HERE!" 

Suddenly, we hear running noises and Zack comes to the door. "Rai! Come on! I set everything up for you!" 

Rai disappears and Nino comes. "My main man, Adrien, dude. Marinette, dudette! Welcome!" Alya rolls her eyes at him saying "Dude/Dudette" all the time. 

I give him our handshake and immediately freeze. "I smell croissants." Mari laughs and after 2 minutes, all the croissants are gone. We sit and chat for a little while and next thing we know, it's already 5:00. 

After a lot of hard work, we separate Rai and Zack. "But Daddy, me and Zack are soulmates! You see, we have matching birth bracelets! You can't separate us!" Was her excuse. I remember when me and Mari found out we were soulmates. I was really happy and relieved and happy it wasn't Chloe, while Mari fainted and I wondered if she fainted because she hated me. But later, I found out she had a major crush on me. On the drive home, Mari was freaking out that our young daughter had already found her soulmate, while I was happy for her. 

*Time Skip to the hospital, when Marinette is giving birth to her second child*

Still Adrien's P.O.V.

Mari was holding onto my hand as if her life depended on it while I was playing "Pokemon Go!". "I SEE PIKACHU! BABY, I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!"

 As I start to walk away, she gives me the scariest look I have ever seen. "NO. YOU. ARE. STAYING. RIGHT. HERE." She kinda reminds me of you know, those anime characters, like...Natsu, when he's VERY angry. Yeah, definitely looks like Natsu.

"O-okay, Mari..." To reassure herself that I won't start playing again, she breaks my phone. Yup, breaks she breaks it. She's paying for a new one. Finally, after a long long long time of hearing her yell, scream, cry, he's out. I mean Hugo. His name. We named him Hugo after Alya told me that when we were in high school, Mari dreamed that we would have three children, Emma, Louis, or Hugo. Mari was blushing madly, but I thought it was really cute. So yeah, that's why it's Hugo. 

(Author's Note: Hello lovely readers! I hope you liked this chapter! I personally think the "Pokemon Go" reference was really funny! Feel free to say anything you would want me to write in the next chapter. Thanks! <3 You guys!)

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