Chapter 5

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Adrien's P.O.V.

This was the neighborhood me and Mari used to walk in college because both of our colleges were near here. So when we were dating, I would just text her at night and we would walk around, hand in hand, with her leaning on my shoulder. Right now, we are in the same position, strolling around. "Adrien?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Do you love me?" I stop walking, and look at her straight in the eye.

"If I didn't love you, I would be the stupidest man on earth. Don't even think I don't love you. Ever. Because a life without you, would be empty and boring. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I love you, with all my heart and soul. Never forget that."

She smiles and tippy-toes so she's at my height. "Adrien Agreste, you have officially earned your reward." Her lips meet mine and I melt into the kiss. Her hands reach for my hair, and she runs her hand through it. I want to stay in this moment, with the girl I love, forever and ever.

She ends the kiss, and I whine, disappointed that she ended the kiss. "Adrien, do you know where we are?" I look around at my surroundings, and smile as I get down on one knee to reenact the scene that took place in this very spot. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I love you, and I never want to lose you. Will you marry me?"

I can almost see her crying from happiness all over again. "Yes, Adrien Agreste, my knight in shining armor, I will marry you." She hugs me, and I wonder if I am dreaming. We stay there, captured in the moment, as if we are statues. "Thank you, Adrien. For being here for me. For never leaving me, thank you."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you. Say it again." I joked.

She pulled away from the hug and laughed. "I said you're puns are the worst and I don't know why I love you so much."

"It's not your fault, Mari, I'm just that gorgeous, it's impossible not to fall for me."

We share a short laugh and Mari checks her phone. "It's already 11:42, when we get home, it'll be past midnight. Let's walk back."

"Wait. Just one more kiss in our special spot?"

"ONLY IF YOU CAN CATCH ME!" She runs as fast as she can and in no time, we're at our car.

I wrap my hands around her waist and hold her close to me. "Gotcha! Now the prize." I lean her against the car as she closes her eyes and slightly puckers her lips. I smile and lean in. *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP*

She leans away and screams. "AHH! The car alarm's going off! Hahahahaha!😂"

I frown and then laugh along with her. "Mari, wasn't I promised something before this, rude car interrupted us?"

"Why yes, I think you were. And I think we've both waited long enough." I smirk and lean in as she puts her arms around my neck. As our noses touch, I hear cameras snapping photos of us. I glance at them, annoyed for ruining our precious moment.

"OH MY GOSH. ITS ADRIEN AGRESTE!" I spend the next hour signing autographs and taking pictures while Mari leans against a wall and smiles.

When I finally get away from the mob, I run to Marinette. "Hey! I'm so sorry about that!"

She chuckles and smiles her signature smile. "No, it's fine. I was kind of enjoying watching you struggle to get out of the mob."

I roll my eyes at my wife. "Let's just get in the car." 

"First, CAN I PLEASE HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH?" Mari asks, obviously joking. 

"You're a special fan, so you hmm, get something more special. Like a kiss." We lean in to each other and kiss passionately and stay like this for a while until we gasp for air. 

"Mr. Agreste, you are one horrible kisser." 

"Hey!" I finally open the car door and we drive to the bakery I rest peacefully, with Mari in my arms. 

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