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"hey dad, I have someone I want you to meet." Lucy said as we walked through the front door to her house.

"oh, or your whole band can meet her too." she chuckled as we walked into the living room to see six guys lounging around on the couches.

"this is April, she's new to the school." Lucy said, motioning towards me.

"sup." I said nodding my head.

"hey I'm Chris, Lucy's dad." he said getting up and putting his hand out for me to shake. I smiled an shook his hand.

"these are my bandmates, Balz, Ryan, Devin, Ricky, and Vinny." Chris explained to me.

all of them either said hey or nice to meet you except for the Ryan guy. he just stared at me, looking me up and down every once in a while.

"where did you move from?" Balz asked me.

"Chicago." I said.

"Why would you move to shitty Scranton from Chicago?" Vinny asked.

"If it was up to me I would've stayed there, trust me." i said.

"makes sense. no one just dreams to move to Scranton." Vinny said.

"Shut up." Chris said.

"Well we're going up to my room to study." Lucy said and began to drag me up the stairs.

"Dinner is at 5, if April wants to stay!" Chris yelled as we reached her room.

i set my bag down and sat on her desk chair and she sat on her bed.

"was it just me or was Ryan checking you out?" Lucy asked.

"i saw that too." i admitted.

"mhm get it, he's a cutie." she said.

i chuckled "how old is your dad, he looks so young." i said.

"he's only 29, but I'm adopted." she explained.

"oh makes sense." i nodded.

lucy started to pull out her books and began doing ger homework. i sighed. i guess i should do the same.

3 hours later

"girls! dinner." Chris yelled.

i put down my pen as lucy approached where i was sitting.

"Are you serious?"

"what?" i asked confused.

"have you been drawing for the past three hours?" she asked.

"uh..maybe." i said laughing.

she chuckled and shook her head as we headed down the stairs.

"fuck i really need a cigarette, hey does your dad smoke?" i asked her.

"no but you can bum one fron Ricky or Ryan." she said as we entered the kitchen.

there were pizza boxes on the counters and all the guys were sitting around the table talking.

ryan was standing next to the pizza so i tapped his shoulder and he turned and looked at me.

"can i bum a cigarette from you?" i asked.

"uh yeah i guess, come on." he said dragging me outside. no one was paying attention anyway. not even Lucy she was busy talking to the guys as well.

he took me onto the front porch and handed me a cigarette and also one for himself.

"thanks." i said as we sat down on the porch stairs.

"no problem." he said, handing me his lighter after he had lit his.

i lit mine and took a drag.

"you know smokings bad for you right?" ryan said.

"Says you." i said, shaking my head.

"I'm an adult. you're still young." he pointed out.

"yes true, but what age did you start smoking at huh?" i asked.

"alright you caught me there." he said and put his hands up.

"why'd you really move here?" he asked.

i sighed. "i got kicked out by my parents so i moved in with my cousin."

"damn, sorry to hear that. what'd you do to get kicked out?" he asked.

"drugs, alcohol, partying, coming home with hickeys all over my neck and chest, bringing random guys home, it all adds up." i said and shrugged.


"i'm not a druggie though i swear. i was just having a rough time, that why i did them." i said.

"hey, you don't have to explain yourself to me you know?" he said putting a hand on my bare thigh.

"I know but i just dont want you thinking i'm a drug addict." i said.

"I don't, we all have our problems." he smiled.

"so why'd you bum a cigarette off me? and how did you know i even smoked?" he asked.

"lucy said that either you or Ricky would give me one and you were closest to me. and I'm stressed so i need a cigarette." i said finishing the last bit of the cigarette.

"stressed?" he asked.

"stressed." i clarified.

"well i mean if you're stressed maybe i can help you forget about whatever for a little bit." he said smirking at me.

"oh yeah?" i asked.

"yeah, you can just lay down and relax and I'll make sure you feel pleasured." he said moving his hand farther up my thigh.

i bit my lip and looked away from him.

"don't get all shy on me now." he said as he started rubbing me through my shorts. i let out a quiet moan and he smirked and stopped, pulling his hand away.

"let me know if you're up for it, my offer always stands." he said getting up and walking back inside the house.

bad influence // ryan sitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now