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all i ever feel is stress.

even if i have nothing to stress about, i find something. i swear this is why i go through almost a whole pack of cigrettes a day.

"hey April!" lucy said walking up to me as i shut my locker.

"hey." i smiled at her.

"do you wanna come over tonight? it's Ricky's birthday and we're throwing a party for him." she explained.

at this point i pretty much live at her house. It seems like i'm always there.

"to be honest i was going to come over anyways so sure." i said. lucy started laughing.

"Chris literally thinks of you as a second daughter at this point."

i smiled. "That makes me so happy. Awh dad." i said laughing as we walked to lunch.

"hey do you wanna skip?" i asked her.

"I've never done it before." she said.

"Oh, you don't have to if you don't want to." i said.

"I don't think i want to." she said.

"Okay, but hey can i have your dad's number so i can bug him whenever i want food." i asked.

she laughed and handed me her phone so i could copy the number into my phone. While i was doing this lucy started talking to another guy so i quickly put Ryan's number in my phone as well.

"Here." i said handing her phone back.

"Thanks, I'll see you later yeah?" i smiled at her. She nodded and walked off with that guy she was talking to.

i walked off the school grounds quickly and walked about a block till i sat down and pulled out my phone and dialed Ryan's number.

"Hello?" he picked up.

"Sup Ryan." i said.

"Uh who is this?" he asked.


"Damn April, how did you get my number? I was so scared that my number was leaked." he said.

"Sorry and i took it from Lucy's phone when she wasn't looking." i said.

"Arent you supposed to be in school?" he asked.

"Yeah, what's your point?"

"Did you skip?" he asked.


"What a bad girl. tsk tsk tsk."

"yeah well, what are you gonna do about it." i shrugged but then realized he cant see me.

"Bad girls get punished, April." he said.

"Yeah? well it's not a punishment if i enjoy it." i said.

"Damn April just let me fuck you already." he groaned.

i chuckled "nah I'm not a whore, i don't fuck after just meeting someone anymore."

"Anymore?" he questioned.

"Yeah i was a big whore last year." i said.

"Well if it counts I'll treat you like a princess and fuck you like a whore."

"Come pick me up." i said.

"Where are you?" he asked.

"I don't really know, like a block away from the school. I think..?" i said unsure.

"I'll find you."

"Okay bye Ry."

"Later April."

15 minutes later a car pulled up next to me and the passenger door opened to reveal Ryan.

"Yo." i said getting in the car and shutting the door.

"You shouldn't be skipping school." he said and began to drive.

"Too late now."

"I can turn right around and bring you back." he smirked.

"You wouldn't."

"Do you wanna test me?" he asked.

"Not really." i shrugged.

"Dude!" i yelled.

"What!?" he jumped.

"I almost got into a fight with some bitch today. oh man oh man i totally would've fucked her up but lucy held me back." i said.

"You scared me half to death just to tell me that?" he asked.

"Yeah, i mean i got one punch in though."

"You're a bad influence on lucy." he said shaking his head.

i snapped my head towards him.

"You dont even fucking know me." i snapped.

"I know enough to know that you're a bad influence on Chris' daughter."

"Wow okay, where did that come from? Anymore insults you wanna throw at me while you're at it? wanna make me feel worse about the bad decisions I've made? please do it's not like i already fucking know." i snapped at him.

"Can you calm the fuck down please?" he snapped back.

"stop the car." i said.

He turned and looked at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"I'm not stopping the car." he said.

"honestly fuck you Ryan!" i yelled.

"Fuck April!" he yelled back and pulled over. i went to open the car door but Ryan grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine.

i pulled away but he pulled me right back in. i gave in and pulled my fingers through his hair, tugging it a bit causing him to groan.

his tongue slide along my bottom lip and i opened my mouth allowing his tongue inside. Ryan pulled away and pulled me over onto his lap. he started kissing my neck and nibbling on some spots.

"fuck." i mumbled when he bit a little harder. his lips continued down to my collarbones, definitely leaving hickeys on my neck and collarbones. i groaned and pushed my hips down on him.

"oh fuck." he groaned and brought one of his hands up to my hair while the other rested on my waist.

i started grinding my hips against him. he groaned and pulled my hair. i moaned lowly. "fuck Ryan."

he smirked at me "finish what we started at my place?" he asked.

i somehow managed to get myself off of him and back into the passenger seat.

"no." i said. I saw Ryan's eyes go wide.

"Why not?" he asked, surprised.

"I told you I'm not a whore." i said.

"fine." he huffed and started the car again.

"still wanna chill at my place though?" he asked.

i nodded. "I've got no where better to go."

He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh as we drove to his apartment.

bad influence // ryan sitkowskiWhere stories live. Discover now