Chapter I

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// Before you start reading, I want to say this is a completely fictional work, any resemblances with real life people are completely coincidential! This work is still in progress and English is not my first language, so if you see any mistakes feel free to comment! Thanks for reading! //

It was the last day of break, my friends and I were packing our bags to fly home again, we'd have to leave the next morning so ofcourse we were going out one last time to leave all the crazy fun behind and start our senior year of high school.

"I'm so shocked you didn't mess around with some girl, Lana." Jess said. Jess was one of my best friends, I've known her since I was 6. We met at school and I hated her guts at first but I soon realized she was one of the sweetest people alive. I could tell her anything and she'd always help me out. I chuckled, "I know. It's kind of sad, but maybe there will be newbies or transfers next week who are hot." I groaned when Jess slapped the back of my head, "you always date 'hot' girls for 3 weeks and then move on! When will you finally settle down?" I laughed hysterically, "me? Settling down? Jess have you lost your mind, I'm not that type of girl. The day when I settle down is the day I'm immensely whipped over a girl, which will be never."

I always had major trust issues ever since my parents left me behind when I came out. They told me they would always believe in me and support me, but they didn't. Not when I told them about my very first girlfriend. When my parents kicked me out of the house, my girlfriend at the time didn't want to get involved with my drama and dumped me. I eventually moved in with my brother Dan who was very supportive of me and saved my ass, and I'd always be grateful for that.

It was nearing dinner time, and we all got ready to get take-out and drinks to celebrate our last night. Yes, we were all still 18 so drinking legally was out of the picture, but come on, everyone did it. We blasted some Arctic Monkeys through the radio and pulled up at a McDonalds drive through. After ordering a bunch of burgers, we stopped at a place where we could get our drinks. It was already 10pm at this time so the sky was already dark, which was perfect. We drove up a mountain and parked the truck right at a cliff. We started chatting, eating, drinking and laughing in the back of the truck while watching the clear dark sky. Stargazing was always something I really loved to do, it made me so calm and the world felt so serene.

"Hey guys, a shooting star! Make a wish!" Jackson smiled. "What are you gonna wish Ben?" He asked. "I wish I'll finally pass with A's and B's and get a job." Jackson nodded as if he agreed, "and you Jess?" I rolled my eyes because I knew what Jess was going to say. "I wish I'll get a cute boyfriend, good grades and a lot of clothes!" She giggled as we all laughed at her wish. Then it was my turn, "I wish I'll meet some hot chick and pass my senior year without getting into any trouble" I smirked. Everyone laughed as Ben said the last part would be practically impossible. I shoved him playfully, but deep down I knew he was right though, I always got into trouble.

"Time to head back, Ben's soon going to puke if he doesn't stop drinking and eating burgers..." Jess chuckled. We nodded and hopped back into our seats. We were barely 20 minutes into the drive when I felt like my blatter was going to explode, I needed to pee and as if the Gods above heard me we saw a gas station. I got out, quite tipsy might I add, and stumbled to the small door. I read 'PUSH' in big letters so I pushed the door open without taking any notice of my surroundings, which made me run straight into someone who dropped all their stuff on the ground while cursing silently, "Jesus Christ watch where you're going kid!" I cringed at the word 'kid'. "Sorry that you ran into me and dropped your stuff, woman." I retorted, studying her face. She had beautiful bright blue eyes, brown hair and her skin was very tan. She was probably in her mid-twenties and she was absolutely gorgeous. I saw her plump pink lips curve into a smirk, "you can stop staring now kid, the door's open." I quickly snapped out of staring at her and made my way into the gas station, barely being able to hold my pee.

"Why were you talking to that woman?" Jess asked curiously, so I explained I had ran into her while opening the door. "You thought she was hot, didn't you?" She smirked. I laughed, "ofcourse, did you see that face?" Jess chuckled as she slapped my arm, "she was like thirty, Lana." I huffed, "I know, she even called me 'kid'" Jess let out a laugh and I rolled my eyes at her, I had never felt so weird while talking to a girl, normally they would try to flirt but this one just looked right through me. "Well, her loss." I mumbled while closing my eyes and enjoying every last bit of my break.


"Everyone got all their stuff?" Jackson asked as we boarded the plane, "yup. Let's go back home."
The flight was only a few hours and I took that time to take a well deserved nap. The plane took off and I already felt myself drifting off into a sleep.

My sleep got disturbed abruptly by someone shouting in my ear, "wake up Lana! Jesus we've been calling your name for half an hour now. We're going to land in 5 minutes." I slowly opened one eye to take in my surroundings and adjust my vision to the bright sunlight. I felt even more tired than before my nap. I sat up straight and waited for the plane to land so I could get my luggage out of the cabinet. I soon felt my feet touch the solid ground again, I was home. My friends and I said our goodbyes and took cabs home. Dan would've picked me up if he wasn't busy being sappy with his girlfriend. I paid the cabdriver and made my way to my doorstep. I fixed my hair a bit before walking in and to my surprise no one was home, so I took that time to munch on some snacks and binge-watch some series.


"Lana? Are you home?" I rushed to the door and stood in front of Dan with a huge grin, "missed me Dannyboy!" I said in a childish tone. Dan snorted, "no, I'm actually kind of bummed you're back." He teased. "Nah I'm kidding, I'm glad you're back!" I soon received a bear-hug. I smiled when he embraced me, I really had missed him.
"I'm going to bed now though, I'm exhausted and I have school tomorrow." I said as I started walking towards my room. I plopped down onto my bed and sighed in relief as I was finally able to fully sleep. I drifted off into a sleep, curious about what the next day would bring.

Stargazing // girlxgirl • teacherxstudentWhere stories live. Discover now