Chapter II

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My annoying alarm clock sound woke me up. I groaned and practically rolled out of bed while squeezing my eyes closed to keep the sunlight out. My break felt like it had lasted only 1 week. I wasn't ready to walk into school again. Even though it was my senior year now, I knew it would be the same as every year; study, party, sleep, repeat.

I threw on some clothes and put my hair up in a messy bun. There was no need to look good or impress someone on the first day of school so I gladly skipped the make-up and nice hair party. I made myself some cereal and checked my social media. No notifications or interesting tweets. The one thing that caught my eye was my clock, which signaled me that I was already late. I shoved my last bit of cereal in my mouth, grabbed my black suede backpack and bolted out the door. I had to ride my bike to school because I was too lazy to get my drivers license.

"Lanaaa, ma girl you're just in time!" Jess joked. I wasn't on time, I had already missed my first period which was Maths, supposedly. "I know I know, but when am I ever on time Jess?" Jess laughed, "true." We made our way to the next period which was English. Same old Mrs. Marks. It surprised me that she still taught English at this age. My day went by extremely slowly. I ate a lot during lunch pure out of boredom, and already thought about skipping the last 2 periods. Jess made me stay, though.

"I know you think school is boring and unnecessary Lana, but you need this and you know it." She gave me one of her 'I know you better than yourself' lessons again. I nodded, "you're right, I already said I'm not skipping 5 times. You're gonna make me miss my next class if you keep ranting." I joked.

The rest of the day wasn't anything special. I was surprised I didn't get called to the office for skipping first period. "Movie night at my place tonight?" Jess offered. "Ofcourse, I'll see you at 8." And with that, I drove off. I was not feeling the entire 'how was your first day of school' conversation with my brother, but I'd have to face it anyway. I opened the door and, as I predicted, Dan jumped off the couch and asked me all about my day. "It wasn't interesting at all, Dan. The only good thing was that I didn't get called to the office for missing first period." Dan squinted his eyes, "that's...suspicious. They never not call someone to the office, Lana. Sometimes they just forget and do it later, you'll get punished anyway." I sighed, "well, I could hope for the best." Dan let out a chuckle. "So what do you want for dinner lil sis?" I hated it when he called me lil sis, like I was 9. "I'm craving pasta."
"Excellent choice, madame." He chimed in a horrible Italian accent. I laughed and made my way to my room.

I headed straight to Jess after dinner with what seemed like a thousand snacks. We decided to watch a horror movie. Like every time, we started talking mid-movie and missed the entire plot. "So have you seen any hot girls at school today?" She asked. I shook my head, "just the same old Mayfield High girls." I sighed. Jess laughed, "maybe that's a good thing y'know, now you can focus more on school." I playfully shoved her, "when am I ever gonna do that, Jess!" "I mean true, even if you had the time of the world you'd still try to fix girls."

I decided to stay over at Jess' house, and I'd have to rush around Dan's to change because Jess was a lot taller than me so I didn't fit any clothes. I chose to wear black skinny jeans, a band tee; Joy Division to be exact and I felt a little edgy so I put on some red lipstick which was completely against dress code but whatever. I rushed out of the house and made it just in time for my first period, Maths.

I entered the classroom and was surprised to see a new face in front of the teacher's desk. I'd say she was around 25, she had a beautiful face too. "Good morning, take out your text books at page 4 please." Her voice sounded calming but still high-pitched. It was cute. That's when I realised I missed first period yesterday so I didn't have a textbook yet. "Mrs. King?" I raised my hand and caught her attention. "Ah, yesterday's class-skipper, right?" I felt awkward all of a sudden. "I just missed my period I didn't skip." I scoffed. "Well, you didn't come round the office for a note so you're going to be punished, I'm sorry." I sighed and looked at her with a blank face, waiting for my punishment. "Detention today, and I'll test your Maths skills and see if you're on the list for extra lessons." Some guys in my class made wolf sounds and shoved eachother while shouting they'd want extra lessons too. I didn't get those guys, she was beautiful yes, but really not that friendly. I nodded, "fair enough." Her expression changed after staring at me for a couple of minutes. She smirked, "see you in detention then, kid." I scoffed at her when she called me kid. As if she didn't know I was 18. I hated when people did that. And it wasn't the first time this month either.

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