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even when I doubt you, I'm no good without you.

ernst idly sat by his computer, tapping away on the keys like he was some professional hacker. ernst was typing up a paper for his italian class about basic phrases commonly confused in the italian language. moritz and melchior were both by his side, doing whatever they had to do on their tablets and laptops. otto sat across the dining room table, on some porn site trying to keep up his heterosexuality. most likely, georg was fawning over some big-breasted women at his bartending job.

ernst couldn't care less about what the others were doing. all he was doing was waiting until it was late and everyone was asleep. or when he was finished with his paper. either or.

"hey guys...you remember hanschen rillow from middle school?" moritz asked, looking up from his tablet.

"yeah, the one that supposedly slept with bobby maler?" otto rolled his eyes.

"yeah, and he had a sister. thea, I think." moritz shook his head. "anyways, apparently he's a pornstar now. screwin' dudes, lettin' dudes screw him..."

"sounds like an ideal job," melchior joked and moritz sent him those big puppy dog eyes and signature pout.

"but, melchi...you said you'd stop?" he questioned, genuinely shaken.

"yes, yes, I promised for you," melchior smiled and placed a chaste kiss to moritz's pouted lips.

yes, melchior and moritz. together at last. took a few years, rapes, suicides, and one night stands with wendla bergmann and bobby maler, but they were happy.

hanschen being a pornstar didn't faze ernst. ernst sorta already knew that hanschen had sex for a living. how? long story...

ernst is a major horndog and craves for sexual gratification and physical love. aka, he loves masturbation. but the thing is, he had four roommates. two of which gay and in love with each other, and the other two straight (as a circle). they don't appreciate the loud moans of ernst's ecstasy while they are still awake.

well, on one of those late-night tumblr porn searches, he'd stumbled upon a blog filled with aesthetically pleasing pictures of men and porn. but then, there was something a little odd about the blog. all the videos came from a certain pornstar, but he couldn't pinpoint who exactly it was. so he built up the courage to send an anonymous message to the administrator of the blog about who the man was.

"hanschen rillow," was the almost immediate response.

and ernst then knew exactly who he was.

hanschen was a strong hearted boy in school. he had the biggest beef with melchior for being poetic at the worst of times. during sex ed, he danced around with a picture of a hastily drawn women.

"have you prayed tonight, desdemona?" he had said in a husky voice. "you don't look like you're praying."

little to say, hanschen ended up in detention for the rest of the school year--which was only a few weeks.

ernst grew a liking to the boy, but all things come to an end at some point. hanschen and thea moved away to some far away land and left ernst in the dust with an ill mother and nobody who really cared. yeah, the other boys were great, but ernst longed for hanschen and his soft touches.

nevertheless, ernst took up googling hanschen's name and found a pornhub account, a bio for helix studios, and multiple social media pages. the tumblr was laced with racy pictures and random cute things. hanschen had a good taste in outfits, that's for sure.

after an hour of scrolling through almost endless tumblr posts from the platinum haired boy, it was over. no more posts available.

ernst groaned and locked his phone, putting it on the charger. he'd just found out that his best friend from high school was a pornstar. he wasn't exactly taking it well at 1 in the morning.

all ernst wanted was to be the man underneath hanschen.


SO FINALLY I GET THIS CHAPTER DONE!! I know this book won't get many reads unless I post it on AO3 bc not many people like Spring Awakening on Wattpad. but yeah. ily whoever reads this.

( song; doubt - twenty one pilots )
( word count - 711 )

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