Beach Part 1

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Silence creates either distance or comfort. The heart chooses which. -???

"Hey Hinata!!!" Momiji called excitedly pointing at the blue waves. "Look! Look!"

I smiled and nodded, ruffling his blonde hair.

" can't do that anymore." Momiji pouted.

"Why not?" I asked lightly.

"I'm taller than you now."

"So?" I snickered mentally.

"So you can't do that!" He whined, shaking my shoulder.

"Oh calm down you big baby. Put those rabbit ears away."

Momiji pouted, his rabbit ears against his head.

Unable to resist I reached up and ruffled them again, feeling the soft fur touch my fingers.

"Hinaaataaa." He whined.

"Sorry, sorry." I shrugged smugly.

Suddenly I felt cold water hit my shirt and squeaked before glaring at the smug blonde who held a water gun.

"Oh bring it on." I glared, getting a water balloon and smacking his face.

"Ouch!" He cried before shooting me with cold water again.

I dumped the bucket of water balloons on him and he fell down in defeat.

"Are they always like this?" I heard Yuki ask Haru.


I threw a balloon at Kyo and hid behind a nearby tree, leaving Momiji with the buckets of water balloons surrounding him.

He paled when Kyo yowled and ran after him.

I laughed as he screamed for help and called me a traitor.

"Are you guys too cool to swim or what?" I asked as Momiji was chased around, shrieking ignored.

"I don't feel like it." Haru drawled.

"I have to keep an eye on him or else he'll probably destroy property." Yuki shrugged.

"If you keep that attitude, Tohru is going to be taken away." I smacked the back of his head. "I can't even push you in the right direction anymore." I sighed.

"Why not?" Haru asked with a blank look.

"Because I have to be rooting for Momiji now." I said cheerfully despite the dull ache in my chest. It still hurt but now it was bearable. Like my heart finally got that those two were supposed to be together.

"Huh?" Yuki looked completely confused.

"You haven't noticed?" I said bewildered.

"Not with Tohru." He shook his head.

"Well yeah, he likes her. That's why he's been spending so much time with her. I've been giving him some pointers but he's been doing pretty good."

"And your okay with this?" Haru said in disbelief.

"Well yeah, I mean they are both great people and they think and act the same way." I blinked.

"They don't need someone to think the way they do. They need someone to calm them down and help them think rationally." Yuki said wisely.

Rationally. Think rationally.

"You want him to date Megumi?" I laughed at the thought.

Stoic Megumi and exuberant Momiji dating. Oh my god I'm dying.

"Dear god." Yuki breathed in frustration.

"Hi Kyo." I waved to the ginger who just sat down grumpily.

"Why aren't you swimming?"

"1. I don't know how. 2.Swimming is a full body work out and pumps the heart too much so I could have an attack." I explained.

"Then why isn't Lover Boy with you?"

"He's romancing Tohru." I blinked innocently as he bolted up and ran to where Tohru was.

"The sun is strong. Do you feel dizzy?" Haru asked, shielding Yuki's face.

Okay, that is cute.

"Haru-san! Yuki-san! Why don't you join us!" Tohru called excitedly.

"Are you okay alone Honda-chan?" Yuki said worriedly.

I smiled and waved them off. "Go compete for her heart or whatever Yuki. By the way, it's been a year and a half since we started living with you. Don't you think it's time to start calling me Hinata?" I teased.

Yuki smiled and nodded before Haru dragged him to the sea where they were holding swimming and Tohru's affection contests.

I stood up and walked to the house we stayed at to start making dinner.
I blinked when Kyo bolted up the stairs and Yuki, red faced was put on the couch.

"Can you look over him Hinata?" Momiji asked pleadingly.

"Sure." I shrugged and got a thermometer.

"It's just a mild fever. Staying in the sun and playing so long especially when your weak is definitely a contributing factor. Make sure to stay in bed the rest of today, stay hydrated, keep this towel cool, eat, take a cold shower, take this fever reduction medication before bed, and sleep with only a couple sheets. If you get too overheated your fever will spike." I said, putting a cold towel over his head.

"You sound like a mini Hatori..." Haru pointed out.

"Thank you Hond...Hinata-san." I grinned cheekily and patted his face absentmindedly.

"There you go. I'll bring your supper here. If I find out you tried moving I'll kick your butt all the way to America." Yuki chuckled at that.

The rest of you all can serve yourself, but first dry off more, you'll catch a cold if you stay half naked and wet like that. I frowned and threw some towels at them.

"Thanks Hina-chan!" Tohru chirped brightly.

"Maaah. I don't want too." Haru whined.

"If you don't I'll make sure you stay in tomorrow." I warned.

He grumbled before grudgingly drying off.

Through all this, Momiji was strangely silent.

I turned to see him silently drying off.

"What's wrong Momiji?" I asked worriedly. "Are you feeling ill too?"

"No." For a moment I was taken aback by the clipped cold tone he used and drew my eyebrows in confusion.

What did I do to make him so mad?

He was fine a few minutes ago...

He stalked into the kitchen leaving me alone in my confusion.

I looked to see they were all as confused as me.

I frowned and tried to think of what I did but came up empty.

As I watched his back, I couldn't help but feel a sharp ache as he once again left me behind.

How painful.

How pitiful.

How familiar.

I just never thought I would find it once again with my best friend.

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