Into The Forest

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Running through the forest
Run, Run, Run
Jumping over fallen trees
One, by, One
Blood flowing to the ground
Through my Thumb
Running from the beatings
Run, Run, Run
Heart beating fast
Bum, Bum, BANG!
Heart no longer beating
Bum... Bum... BANG!


Elizabeth's POV:

There were stories going around everywhere, that there were "Vampires" in the forest, these Devilish entities or even a group of Witchcraft Practitioners. The stories have been going around for years, I could recite them off the top of my head by now, all about these three "Lost Boys", as everyone called the trio.

There wasn't a day that passed my childhood where I wasn't warned about them, and told of beware and never, ever enter the forest at night— or even during daylight, because "I wouldn't come back out." They would say how the evil creatures that lie within the wall of trees would torture me with unforeseen forces, drive me to insanity, harm me so much that I'd never be the same. I never truly believed in the boys, oh no, they seemed too far fetched for me to even have the slightest curiosity of them. That was, until I was dared to enter that forest.

I remember the night quite clearly, to be honest. I was sat upon my bed with two of my very close friends Rose and Isabella. They had convinced my mother and father to allow them to stay the night, as a form of celebration for my birthday. Of course, it was their idea entirely. I would have rather had a small celebration with my family and friends, though Rose being the persistent little devil she is, would not have such talk. So, here I was, bed robe draped across my shoulders to cover my night wear as Rose was off in her head, painting vivid pictures in our heads of dragons and ghosts, knights in armor and various other tales that seemingly came to life in her bright green eyes.

Suddenly, however, she switched her demeanor and sat upright, the familiar smirk on her lips. "I propose we play a game, a new game." Rose said, a soft red tint on her fair skin as her eyes shifted from me to Isabella. A questioning look was on Isabella's face, her brown eyes cloudy with skepticism. I, on the other hand, ran my fingers through my hair and shifted in my seat. "What.. type of game, Rose? You know you're quite wild when it comes to these games." Isabella spoke up, taking the words right from my own thoughts and voicing them. "Oh, please, it's Elizabeth's birthday, and I feel this game will be exceptionally exciting for us all!" She pouted, her famous begging face forming. Isabella and I shared a glance, soft giggles following as we both gave in. "Okay, okay. We will play your game, Rosalia. Though do please remember that is mustn't be too crazy, my mother and father will scold us." I said, a bright smile of wonder on my face.

However, if I would've known what that night would lead to, I probably wouldn't have agreed to her game at all.

"So, this is how the game will go!" Rose then proceeded, the excitement in the room growing, her curls bobbing as she positioned herself on the floor. "We will take turns asking another of they prefer to tell a secret, or answer a question truthfully, or if they would rather do as the other says without debate!"

That seemed pretty simple, I had thought, something the children would play to fool with one another. "Oh? That's easy!" Isabella laughed softly, before she scooted closer on the bed towards Rose.
"Yes! I'll go first.. Eliza, what will it be?" She smirked playfully, I presumed readying the worst possibilities she could create as she waited. "I choose a question." I laughed, especially at the look on her face when she realized she wouldn't get to boss me around just yet. "Hm.. Do you favor any boys?" She asked, a devious look on her face. Although my cheeks were quite rosy, I had to admit that I hadn't found any boy in the town attractive. Not yet, at least.

The night went on quite the same, back and forth, as well as some embarrassing actions. It was still much fun for us all, and we couldn't help but laugh and grin at each other silly behavior. Soon it began to darken outside, meaning we would soon have to sleep. Though, according to the look on Rosalia's face, she was far from done with her little game. "El, truth or dare?" She spoke, voice a tad bit softened due to the risk of my father coming to tell us to sleep. We had named the game not long ago, finding it very fitting. "Dare." I answered quietly, a soft yawn leaving my lips. I nearly regretted it, I should have right then and there. "I dare you, Elizabeth, to enter the forest and stay inside of it until I say to come out!" She exclaimed, earning shushing from Isabella and I. My face was now completely serious. Of course there wasn't anything to worry about besides some wolves or maybe a bear, but.. The forest was still forbidden of us in the town.

Isabella once again took my words as she let a shocked gasp pass through her mouth,"Rose! No one is allowed in the forest and you know this! She, we could get in incredible trouble if spotted!" She whispered, not wanting to alarm my parents,"Are you completely insane?" I looked at her with a shocked face, hoping she was just fooling around. But to my disliking, she was serious, which was confirmed by her standing up, slipping her night shoes on and saying,"Come on now, don't want it to get too dark while you're in, you might lose your way."

It took some time, quite a while before I finally heard myself give in, as I stood from my comfortable spot on the bed and slid on my shoes, tugging my coat on as well before I gave Isabella a solemn stare, a form of an apology as we all began to carefully and quietly make out way down the stairs. I could see father was still away, a town paper in his grasp. However, he seemed to be passed out in the chair. Knowing he was a light sleeper we still were as stealthy as we could be. As we made it passed him, we opened the door and shuffled out into the cool night air. Slowly, almost reluctantly, Isabella and I followed Rose to the edge of the slightly fogged over entrance to the wooded area. "I seriously cannot believe you're making me do this. The boys could see us and tell faster than we could make an excuse!" I exclaimed, "You owe me for this, Rosalia. You owe me." I sighed, staring towards the daunting forest. Isabella soon spoke up herself, and I could tell she was more she frightened than I was. "What about the.. The lost boys?" Her voice shook slightly, worry in every word she spoke. "What about them?" Rose answered, "They're myths, Bella! Not real. The town just made up that story when three boys ran off from their family centuries ago, so no other children would dare do the same!" She finished. "How can you be so sure, Rose? What if your mother was lying to you, to make you feel safe?" Isabella retorted. "No, no. Rose is right. My father and mother have told me the same thing." I broke their bickering, earning a sigh of annoyance from Isabella. "What ever you say, I still think this is a bad idea." She crossed her arms, looking away. I did as well, but knowing Rosalia- if I stepped back I'd never hear the end of it.

Once all the arguing stopped, Rose turned to me, "Are you ready?". I sighed and stared into the little opening the forest had to offer, "I suppose I am..". "Okay, once you step in, I'll start counting. Now remember, you have to actually go into the woods and walk around, not just stand near the opening." She explained. I nodded, signaling I understood. Of course, I was terrified, even though I knew the myths of 'Lost Boys' and 'Vampires' were just myths, fake stories to terrorize children into staying with their families, I was still shaken up by the thought of them being real.

I looked to Rose and Isabella, the younger, Isabella, was trying not to say anything as she knew Rose would get annoyed. I looked back at the opening, stepping towards it until I was at the very edge. "Go on." Rose urged, just as I stepped in, glancing around to get used to my surroundings. I heard Rose say she would count down the minutes aloud. I walked further in, deciding to just walk along the edge, so I would be close to the opening when the dreadful countdown was up.

After a while I decided that it really wasn't bad, and peaceful. The sound of tree frogs and owls filled the night sky, the stars were bright, as well as the moon. I looked up at the sky, humming to myself. I heard Rose yell that I had 10 minutes left, and sighed to myself. It sure felt like it had been 15 minutes, not 10. I stood up walking around a tad more to pass the time when I heard an owl fly away, flapping loudly and hooting like it was crazed. The noise of course made me jump, but I quickly recovered, chuckling to myself, "Silly owl." I said. After a few minutes I told myself I only had around 5 minutes left, because Rose nor Isabella had said a word. I started walking to the entrance when I heard a twig snap near me, "Rose? Isabella?" I called out, "What?" I heard Rose call out from where they had been standing, "Is Isabella in here with me?" I asked, hoping the answer was a yes, "No! I'm by Rose." I heard her say. Soon after I heard a few more crunching sounds getting close, "Can I come out?" I called out, getting scared of what could be near me. "No! You still have 3 minutes!" Rose yelled. I could feel my heart pounding as I looked around, praying that I would be fine.

Well, here it is! The revised chapter one. I hope you enjoy, if so, leave a vote and comment! X Dakota!

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