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It's in the air,

Spinning and twirling,

Magic works in many ways,

The young man shouts from his home,I just want to die alone,

But magic works in many ways,

The young man's days never seem to fade away.



walked up to my room after dinner, sitting on my small window sill bed. I looked out to the forest and smiled a little, They were very charming young men, I thought to myself, Although I did just meet them, The Lost Boys, and I can't be sure if that's how they really are. I was right, though. For all I know tomorrow morning could be a trap. But then again, there was something in the way Artemis asked that made me think otherwise, he had a certain innocence to him that made me want to hug him as if he were a child. And Sebastian had that sincerity to his whole self, which calmed me. And the way he softly spoke no matter what, it was all soothing. Ezekiel, he gave off a feeling of happiness and playfulness. He reminded me of a story character my father used to tell me about, his name was Peter Pan. I laughed to myself remembering the little things he did, she had noticed, while the others were talking. He'd get distracted and look off in random directions, as if he were curious of the world around him. Or he'd been looking at birds and butterflies. But all together, they seemed like nice, normal everyday gentlemen.

I sighed to myself, thinking more about what the 'magic' could be that they were going to show me. As I was thinking, I noticed three figures inside the cemetery.

It was, of course, the boys. I wondered why they came out of the woods and why exactly they were in the cemetery, it was closed after dark. I had then realized it was snowing, and grinned to myself. I loved it when it snowed! It was just so beautiful. Of course though, it wouldn't stick for long.

I watched the boys for a while, and the snow, wondering what they were doing. They seemed to be standing there, talking to someone. But there wasn't anybody there? Maybe their parents are buried there. I shrugged it off, sighing and got up to change into my nightgown and laid in bed, drifting off into a dreamless sleep again.

I woke up the next morning and got out of bed, quickly bathing and brushing my hair before putting on another white dress. White is my favorite color, if you haven't guessed. It's just so pure. I slipped on my snow boots which were a pair of old work boots my father wore in his youth. They were partially faded, but good boots. I went down stairs and saw mother was placing the plates on the table. "Would you like some help mother?" I asked, "No dear, but your father might need some help. He's out in chicken houses getting eggs." I nodded and walked out. The chicken house was right by the house, a few yards away from the forest. I looked into the forest as I approached my father. "Hello, dear. What are you doing?" He asked standing straight holding a basket of eggs, "Mother sent me to help you." I explained, snapping out of my dazed state. Father looked over at the forest as well, "Ah yes, it has a certain beautiful draw to it doesn't it?" He said, "Yes, such a lovely one. Almost as if.. there's magic inside of it." I said, gathering some eggs. My father chuckled, "You have a wonderful imagination, Elizabeth. Now let's go put these eggs in the kitchen for your mother. I'm sure breakfast is almost ready."

I nodded, following him inside before giving one last glance to the forest. I saw Sebastian standing, hidden in some bushes. He had been watching me and my father I suppose, I gave him a small smile and wave before walking inside.

After we had breakfast, father said I could go outside today since there was still some snow around. I walked to the forest, hopping over a fallen tree, and into the opening. There I saw the boys waiting, "You look rather beautiful this morning." Sebastian smiled, making heat rise to my cheeks, "Thank you, Sebastian.. You look handsome yourself, as for Artemis and Ezekiel too." I said in a small voice. The other two smiled and chuckled, "Thank you." They both said. "So where exactly are we going?" I asked Ezekiel, "To our house." He answered. I was both curious and excited to see what it was like. As we walked they all showed me different kinds of plants and animals, they were all so magical, if I'm honest. "Beauty is one of the keys magics here." Sebastian said. He was walking beside me and Artemis was leading, Ezekiel not too far behind him. "I didn't know beauty was magic?" I looked up at him, "It is. Kindness, Beauty, and love. If you have those things in life, you have magic." Kindness, beauty, and love. I repeated in my head. "That sounds wonderful." I said, smiling.

We arrived at their house, and I was in awe. It was two stories, had vines growing all over, and had white paint. In some places it was cracked, but if was a gorgeous house. "It's so lovely!" I exclaimed, walking up to it. "It is, the forest has been keeping it up." I smiled at Artemis's words. "Shall we head to the garden?" Sebastian asked, I nodded and we all walked there. My eyes widened as soon as I saw it, "Oh my god.." I said, quickly covering my mouth. Ezekiel grinned, "You like it?", "I love it!" There were beautiful flowers growing all around, but what caught my eye the most were the blood red roses. I walked up to them, softly touching them.

After we saw the garden we walked around more, I was in awe at everything and smiling. I had to admit, these boys were amazing. After walking around we settle down at a small opening in the woods. "Time for the real magic." Ezekiel smirked. Artemis cleared a spot and drew symbols in the dirt, mumbling under his breath. I looked at Sebastian and asked what he was doing, "Shh." He shushed me, "You'll see." Although I didn't like the answer, I watched as Artemis placed a hand on the symbols, slowly lifting it. As his hand lifted, a white mist rose as well, twirling around. I gasped at the sight, not believing my own eyes. The mist slowly vanished as Artemis removed his hand.

Sebastian then cleared himself an area, drawing more shapes. He then placed a rose he had in his back pocket in the middle. He wrote something in the dirt and the rose started floating, and I grinned. I watched as it floated higher, and came towards me. I gently grabbed it and smiled shyly at Sebastian who was looking accomplished.

Next was Ezekiel, who had seemed to already be working on his trick. He had placed twigs in a circle around him, along with some dead leaves. He was currently rubbing two sticks together and I watched curiously. Sebastian then picked me up by my arm and had me stand back. I was about to ask why, but the circle around Ezekiel caught fire before I could. "What's he? Mad?!" I panicked, trying to put the fire out but was caught by Artemis, "Darling, it's a part of his trick. Just watch." I calmed down a bit and watched as Ezekiel started to float. Out of all their magic, this was the most extraordinary thing I've seen. Ezekiel smiled as he floated back down, the fire putting itself out. "That was amazing.. they all were!" I smiled. They thanked me and we walked back to the opening, "Well, I had fun." I looked at them, "We did too. Until you decided to break rules and come in here we were quite bored. So thank you." Artemis smirked, I laughed, "You're welcome. And thank you all as well.", "Hey! We should make this a daily thing!" Ezekiel smiled, "what do you mean?" I asked, "Every day we should come here and then go to the opening or house and just have fun." He explained further. "I actually for once in a century agree with you." Sebastian said, earning a punch in the arm. "Ouch!" He whined. I smiled, "That is a great idea." I agreed, "So see you here tomorrow?" I asked as they all said yes. "Okay, well, goodbye!" I waved and went home.

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