Chapter 1

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Now Switchella is 11 years old and is turning 12 in a few days. I know about her life in between but I thought that it would be better to not put that in there because it will be boring reading about her every single day about their daily life which had no downfalls. Well, not important downfalls. Anywho, her birthday was in 2 days. She was of course very excited so in the morning she woke up straight away at exactly 7:00 A.M. She hopped out of bed and tugged on her mother's arm to tell her to get up. "Mom... Mom!" Switchella yelled as she jumped in her mother's bed. "What happened?! Is a robber in our house!!?? How did they pass my security system?! We ha-" Switchella yelled over her words. " Mom! I'm just waking you up!"
       "Oh, sorry sweetie. Anyways, what was it you wanted me to wake up for? Oh! You're party! Come on, let's get ready to go to the store." Priscilla said, heading towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. Switchella went to choose one of the many bathrooms they have when she remembered she has her own in her room. She walked into the elevator and went up to her room. She brushed her teeth and brushed her hair. Then she walked to her closet and picked out some clothing. She picked out a beautiful silk the color of the shiniest pearl. She took a curling iron and curled her hair. She always dressed up pretty because she had a weird feeling. She stopped dressing casual when she was 10. She was insecure about how she looks. She wanted to look good for the world.
"Ok mom, I'm ready!"
" Ok sweetie! I'm ready lets go."
Her mother walked down the stairs and went over to the white painted doors and put her hand on of the pure gold door knobs. Her mother turned to her very formal dressed daughter standing on the beautifully polished marble floor. "Sweetie, why are you dressed like you're going to a wedding?" Her mother asked as her hand slid of the knob as she turned around to face her daughter.
"Mom, this is my regular clothing." Switchella replied, she had a mirror held up to her face as she examined her pale skin. She turned her head at all angles looking at her dark chocolate hair and her deep breath-taking purple eyes.
"Sweetie, stop worrying about your looks. You look beautiful naturally. I just know u have a million boys crushing on you."
"No, mom I don't. I need to look nice or else people will think I'm ugly."
"Look, you are beautiful just the way you are. You have the most lucsious pale skin and the most soft, silky, smooth dark brown hair. And don't get me started on your eyes they are gorgeous I don't think anyone in the world has purple eyes."
Switchella didn't want to hear it. "Mom just leave me alone! That's why everyone hates me! Because I'm not the same!" Switchella ran up the stairs, crying. She doesn't know why she's so insecure. She really isn't but she's just saying things she doesn't even mean. She was just gonna curl her hair a little bit and put on a simple dress but she did the complete opposite.

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