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Ok this is a lot later then I ever wanted it to be. But dew to the few comments that i got, it seemed that you are all pervs! Because you wanted Ciel to get drunk and have a really great SEX scene! But don't worry I'm also a giant perv so as from the great words from satan in LEO AND SATAN
"You asked for it."

Ciel's prov:

How dare that damned butler, if he thinks he can get away with what he just did then he is wrong. But I don't have time right now to punish him. Lizzy is throwing a small party at my manor for some reason I really didn't even care; She knew that I wasn't the most thrilled about it. Because I hated anything that had to do with people and being sociable.
"AAA! LIZZY!" I was pulled right out of my chair at my desk and picked up in a tight ASS hug.
"Ciel I can't wait for tonight! The party is going to be so fun!!!" I try with all my might to get Lizzy off of me. And I managed to do so.
"Lizzy shouldn't you be decorating or something?"
"Oh I was but Sebastian asked me if I wanted some help; so I now have him decorating for me. Why do you not want me up here with you?" She was starting to look sad.
"No I just know how much you wanted this party to happen so I thought you would be busy doing that for a wile." Of course SEBASTIAN would ask her if she wants some help. That bastard he's to nice. I mean he's a DEMON for God's SAKE!
"Knock. Knock. Knock." With those 3 Knock's Sebastian appeared from the now opened door. "Young Master it is time for your afternoon tea. And Lady Elizabeth I have finished decorating." I didn't look the happiest to see Sebastian but he acted as if he didn't notice. On the other hand lizzy looked over joyed just to hear that the decorating is done. And with that the usual happened Sebastian served us our tea and went off to do god knows what.
No one's prov:
It came time to dress Ciel for the party. So Sebastian walked into Ciels office to get him but he wasn't there so he then checked the library, Nope not in there either. So then Sebastian thought to himself. Where hadn't he checked yet?
"His Room." He walked up to ciel's room and knocked on the door.
"Come in." He walked into ciel's room to see him sitting on his bead with his legs throne over the right side of the bead, ready for sebastian to dress him already.
"Your late." He looked over at sebastian.
"I'm sorry Young Master I couldn't find you." All Ciel did was turn his head back to where he was facing before. So sebastian walked over to the walk in closet and got out ciel's cloths. And got him dressed when he was done he gave him his cane and went down stairs to great everyone who had just gotten there. a.k.a
Lizzy, Lau, Ran Mao, Undertaker, Grell, Madam Red, and of course the other servants. Bard, Finny, May-rin.
People were already talking to one another already. and listening to music also. there was cherry punch and snacks on the table, so wile some people were talking to Sebastian, Ciel went to get some punch.
"Wow this is really good punch." (ya lets just say that he may or may not of had 5 cups of punch and it was just about empty. )
"Sebas -hiccup-tian you ran -hiccup- out of punch." Everyone looked strait at Ciel astonished. Sebastian ran over to Ciel.
"Young Master please tell me you didn't dink that hole thing of punch by yourself?!?"
"YA. Why?" Sebastian got a horrified look on his face.
"That was a special kind of punch for lau." Ciel was a little confused for a few minutes then it hit him. The punch was spiked!.........

Ha i got you all the sex chapter will be out soon but please don't mutiny because it is 11:45 for me and i am tired like hell. so please stand by for soon who knows. Thank you to every one who has stayed with me so far. and bye bye.

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