*Anonymous Lover?*

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Well after that little story last night I had absolutely no problem with going to sleep. But the fact that the writer kept on saying 'more lube', I was getting a little worried for the man. He might have drowned in it. But I think someone might have posted that... 'Tip' because today is VALENTINES DAYYYYYYY. And yea even though I have no boyfriend or whatever, it's actually nice when I get to watch my friends get flowers every hour of the day. *Painfully Smiles*.

What the hell am I kidding, this will probably be the most depressing day of the year for me!! Unless an Anonymous Lover turns it around by randomly giving me a Red Rose today.

But I highly doubt that because... I just doubt that. I'm just another Gal on the block according to this school.

But anyways, I remove myself from my bed and walk over to my closet. I decide I'll put on a lil' some-thin' some-thin' on for today. Maybe something red, or black. I walk in and open a drawer, the first thing I see is a red, cropped, tank top which I grab and throw on my bed. I look in my choice of jackets and see a black oversized jean jacket, which goes on my bed too. Then I just feel it would be right if I paired my baggy, vintage, high waisted, black Guess jeans with this beautiful outfit. I throw it on my bed and walk into my bathroom. I undress and take a shower, following up with my boring face routine, and leave out of there.

Since its Valentine Day, I decide to go to something red for my bra and panties. Fishing and digging through my underwear drawer, I FINALLY find the set I was looking for:


Perfect for today!

I slip on the set then my clothes and just before I was about to look into the mirror, I look at the clock.


I DON'T HAVE TIME TO LOOK INTO THE MIRROR! I put on my red vans, that I actually hate and grab my phone, my bag and my laptop and head out my door. One I reach the bottom of I steps I walk over to the couch and put my phone and computer in there. I go to the kitchen and grab a ziplock bag and fill it with some vegan gummy bears my mom makes all the time. I grab two honeysuckle apples and a naked juice. I walk back over to my bag and put the food in there. Grabbing the keys off the hey holder, I open the door and yell up to my mom "MOOOMM I'M LEAVING FOR SCHOOL NOW! I MIGHT BE LATE AND IM TALKNG THE JEEP. LOVE YOU!!",  and with that I leave out the house. I basically run over to the red jeep(how ironic... Valentine's Day🙄) and hop in the seat, inserting the keys, turning it on and drives out of the driveway.


I HOPE THIS CHAPTER WAS NEARLY AS INTERESTING AS THE 1st ONE. Thanks for reading guys! And sorry for the short chapter. Stay tuned for chapter 3:

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