Chapter 8

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   "In position."

   "Fire Hand?"

   "In position."


   "In position."



   Kakashi sighed, shaking his head, "Fox, I don't see why your cat needs a mic."

   "Because he's special and part of the team," The Uzumaki said firmly. "Besides, he needs to hear what you guys are saying so he knows where to go. He's going to fight with me."

   "We're going to catch Tora, not fight her," The Hatake reminded the blonde.

   "That's what you think, Dog, but that cat is a demon. There will be fighting going on."

   Kakashi sighed once more, rubbing his forehead, "Just find the damn cat."

   "Hai, hai."


   "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty~" Naruto walked slowly through one of the training grounds, Percy just ahead of him, "Come out, come out, wherever you are~" There was a rustle to their right and Naruto threw a kunai, "There you are, you ugly demon cat!" He pressed his mic, reporting into it, "I found Tora. I'm sending Percy after her." Right as the blonde said that, Percy took off in a streak of black.

   "Roger that, Fox," Kakashi said.

   "Where are you?" Sasuke wondered. Well, his tone was flat but Naruto guessed it was wondering.

   "Yeah, Fox," Sakura added and there was a faint yowl in the distance on her end. "I think I'm near you."

   "Uh..." Naruto looked up, seeing a rusty gate, and said, "Near Training Ground 44."

   "Don't follow," Kakashi said quickly. "Did Percy go in?"

   "Yeah, he did. Why?"

   "There's some powerful creatures in there. Your cat could get killed."

   Naruto was silent for a moment, "Nah, he'll be fine. Percy's stronger than you think."

   Suddenly, there was a loud roar, like a lion, and it shook the whole area. Birds flew away from the forest in fright and even some small rodents fled the scene. A few seconds later, Percy trotted out of the forest, a limp Tora in his mouth.

   "Kami, is she dead?!" Naruto asked, kneeling when Percy came close to him.

   "Sadly, no," Percy dropped the cat not-so gently on the ground. "But I think I scared her too much."

   "That was you roaring?" Naruto said in disbelief.

   Percy gave him a bored stare, "Well, yeah. There was this ugly lion-tiger thing about to eat Tora so I changed size and showed it who's boss. I think I may have given it a heart attack but whatever."

   The Uzumaki shook his head before tapping his com once more, "Percy got Tora. Heading back to Training Ground 7."

   "Nice job, Fox." When Percy hissed into the mic, Kakashi corrected himself, "Nice job, Percy."


   "Is it dead?" Sasuke nudged the limp Tora with his foot.

   "No," Naruto crossed his arms, staring down at the cat. "Just in shock."

   "Yeah, what was that roaring sound we heard?" Sakura turned to Kakashi, who had a puzzled look on his face, "Was that one of those creatures?"

   "Yeah," Kakashi lied, giving his student an eye-smile. He knew that none of the creatures could make a sound loud enough to shake the ground. Still, he didn't know what it was. He'd have to talk to the Hokage about it.

   Percy stared at Tora for a minute, tilting his head this way and that.

   "What is he doing?" Sakura whispered to the Uzumaki, pointing to the black cat.

   "Just wait," Naruto said back, eyes sparkling in amusement. He knew exactly what Percy was planning.

   Right at that moment, Percy let out a yowl and batted Tora in the face, sending her skirting a few feet. He hissed at her, seeming to say, 'Wake up, you stupid cat!'

   Tora jumped up but didn't run when she felt sea-green eyes on her. She simply cowered, curling in a ball, and allowed Sakura to pick her up.

   "Your cat is pretty cool," Sasuke decided after watching the scene play out.

   "I know," Naruto grinned, crouching down so Percy could climb on his shoulders.


   "Congratulations on catching Tora," The Hokage smiled at Team Seven, accepting the shivering feline. She still seemed in shock and the Sandaime had to wonder what went on during the mission.

   "Thank you, Hokage-sama," The team chorused. Well, Naruto exchanged 'sama' with 'jii' but you get the idea.

   Naruto went to reach forward to accept his payment when Percy suddenly chomped on his wrist, dangling in the air, "OW! What the hell, Percy?!" He paused when he noticed that the god's mouth was over his trident tattoo, hiding it from the Hokage's eyes. "Damn, if you were hungry, just say so! Don't eat me!"

   Percy bit down harder, nearly drawing blood, and used his eyes to motion for Naruto to just take his money already. He stayed where he was, swinging when Naruto moved his arm, and the Uzumaki just kept the limb out, content with just watching the cat dangle there.

   The Hokage and the rest of Team Seven watched in amusement as this all happened before Kakashi addressed his team, "You have tomorrow off so take the time to rest up or train."

   "Hai," They said before dispersing, going their separate ways. Well, actually, Sakura followed Sasuke like a lost puppy.

   Naruto walked, Percy refusing to let go of his arm, and made his way to Shikamaru's place, "You think he's home?"

   Percy let go, landing gracefully on the floor, and nodded, "Yeah, I can sense his chakra. He's coming outside."

   Shikamaru opened his door, walking over to the two. He watched as Percy went behind a tree for a moment and said, "About time you guys are here. It was getting troublesome to wait."

   "Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch," Percy walked out in his human form, coat trailing at his ankles. "Let's do this thing." He placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder in reassurance when he saw the Uzumaki looking at the building with nervousness, "It's going to be okay, Duckling. They're Naras. They know not to judge you."

   "Right," Naruto swallowed and followed Shikamaru inside, Percy just behind him as steady support.

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